Eaton 93PM Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (150 kW and 200 kW SIAC-B) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000387—Rev 08 81CChhaapptteerr 66 SSIIAACC--BB OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnssThis section describes how to operate the Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (SIAC-B).NOTE 1 Before using the SIAC-B, ensure all installation tasks are complete and a preliminarystartup has been performed by authorized service personnel. The preliminary startupverifies all electrical interconnections to ensure the installation was successful and thesystem operates properly.NOTE 2 Read this section of the manual and have thorough knowledge of UPS and SIAC-Boperation before attempting to operate any of the controls.66..11 SSiiddeeccaarr IInntteeggrraatteedd AAcccceessssoorryy CCaabbiinneett--BByyppaassss66..11..11 CCiirrccuuiitt BBrreeaakkeerrssFigure 54 or Figure 55 identifies and shows the location of the circuit breakers in the SIAC-B. The descriptionsprovide a brief overview of the SIAC-B breaker use.• Maintenance Bypass Breaker – The Maintenance Bypass Breaker (MBP) transfers the load from the UPSoutput to the bypass input feeder.• Maintenance Isolation Breaker – The Maintenance Isolation Breaker (MIS) isolates the UPS from thebypass feed and the load.• Bypass Input Breaker – (Optional – only three and four breaker configurations) The Bypass Input Breaker(BIB) provides a single point of input power control to the UPS on single-feed systems or bypass inputpower control to the UPS on dual-feed systems. Using the BIB easily removes power from the UPS forservicing.• Rectifier Input Breaker – (Optional – only four breaker configurations) The optional Rectifier Input Breaker(RIB) (four-breaker version only) provides a single point of rectifier input power control to the UPS on dual-feed systems and easily removes power from the UPS for servicing.66..11..22 UUssiinngg tthhee UUPPSS wwhheenn aann SSIIAACC--BB iiss IInnssttaalllleeddTo operate the SIAC-B:1. Remove the screw securing the bottom of the SIAC-B front panel. Lift the panel straight up to remove itfrom the panel hanger bracket at the top of the cabinet. Retain screw for later use.2. Close the SIAC-B bypass input feeder circuit breaker.3. If an BIB is installed, close the SIAC-B bypass input feeder breaker.4. If an RIB is installed, close the SIAC-B rectifier input feeder breaker.5. Verify that the SIAC-B circuit breakers are set as follows (see Figure 54 or Figure 55 for breaker locations):MBP OPENMIS CLOSEDBIB (if installed) CLOSEDRIB (if installed) CLOSED6. Start the UPS. Refer to the applicable Eaton 93PM UPS Installation and Operation manual, listed inparagraph 1.7 For More Information, for UPS operating procedures.