Eaton 93PM Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (150 kW and 200 kW SIAC-B) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000387—Rev 08 1CChhaapptteerr 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnThe Eaton® 93PM 150 kW and 200 kW Three-Wire Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (SIAC-B) isdesigned for use with the 93PM 150 kW and 200 kW Three-Wire UPS systems. The 93PM 150 kW and 200kW Four-Wire SIAC-B is designed for used with the 93PM 150 kW and 200 kW Four-Wire UPS systems. TheSIAC-B provides maintenance bypass functions with configurable features, enabling adaptation and expansionwithout costly electrical rework.NOTE Startup and operational checks must be performed by an authorized Eaton CustomerService Engineer, or the warranty terms specified in Chapter 9 Warranty become void.This service is offered as part of the sales contract for the UPS. Contact an Eaton servicerepresentative in advance (a minimum two-week notice is required) to reserve apreferred startup date.11..11 FFeeaattuurreessThe following descriptions provide a brief overview of the SIAC-B functions:• Two breaker configuration: The bypass sidecar contains only a Maintenance Bypass (MBP) andMaintenance Isolation (MIS) breaker. This allows Maintenance bypass for system repair or maintenance.The critical load is NOT protected in the Maintenance bypass mode.• Three breaker configuration (used with single-feed systems): Maintenance Bypass (MBP) andMaintenance Isolation (MIS) breakers, and a Bypass Input Breaker (BIB) enable power to completelybypass the UPS. The UPS can then be safely serviced or replaced without interrupting power to criticalsystems.• Four breaker configuration (used with dual-feed systems): Maintenance Bypass (MBP) and MaintenanceIsolation (MIS) breakers, and a Bypass Input Breaker (BIB) enable power to completely bypass the UPS. ARectifier Input Breaker (RIB) provides a convenient method for removing power from the UPS when usingthe maintenance bypass to supply the load. The UPS can then be safely serviced or replaced withoutinterrupting power to critical systems.Figure 1 shows the SIAC-B. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the SIAC-B mounted to the UPS cabinet.11..22 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn FFeeaattuurreessThe SIAC-B is housed in a single cabinet factory or field attached to and directly integrated with the UPScabinet and can be ordered mounted on either the left or right side of the UPS, or shipped separately. TheSIAC-B matches the UPS cabinet in style and color. It has safety shields behind the removable front panel forhazardous voltage protection and 2-hole bus bar lug input and output terminals reduce installation time. Powerwiring between the UPS and SIAC-B are factory installed. Output power wiring to the critical load is routedusing external conduit.11..33 MMooddeell CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnssThe following model configurations are available:• Eaton 93PM 150 kW Three-Wire SIAC-B, Eaton 93PM 150 kW Four-Wire SIAC-B, Eaton 93PM 200 kWThree-Wire SIAC-B, and Eaton 93PM 200 kW Four-Wire SIAC-B– Right-mounted two breaker configuration containing a MBP with auxiliary contacts and MIS– Right-mounted three breaker configuration containing a MBP with auxiliary contacts, a MIS, and a BIB– Right-mounted four breaker configuration containing a MBP with auxiliary contacts, a MIS, a BIB,and a RIB– Left-mounted two breaker configuration containing a MBP with auxiliary contacts and MIS