Eaton 93PM Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (150 kW and 200 kW SIAC-B) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000387—Rev 08 89CChhaapptteerr 88 PPrroodduucctt SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssThis section provides the following specifications:• Model numbers• Input specifications• Output specifications• Environmental and safety specifications88..11 MMooddeell NNuummbbeerrssThe Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (SIAC-B) is available in the model listed below to meet theneeds of the Eaton 93PM 150 kW and 200 kW UPS product line.Sidecar Integrated Accessory CabinetModels DescriptionEaton 93PM 150 kW Three-Wire SIAC-B SIAC-B for the Eaton 93PM 150 kW Capacity Three-Wire UPSEaton 93PM 150 kW Four-Wire SIAC-B SIAC-B for the Eaton 93PM 150 kW Four-Wire Capacity UPSSIAC-B for the Eaton 93PM 120 kW Emergency lighting UPSEaton 93PM 200 kW Three-Wire SIAC-B SIAC-B for the Eaton 93PM 200 kW Three-Wire UPSEaton 93PM 200 kW Four-Wire SIAC-B SIAC-B for the Eaton 93PM 200 kW Four-Wire UPS88..22 SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssThe following sections detail the input, output, and environmental and safety specifications for the SIAC-B.88..22..11 IInnppuuttOperating Input Voltage and Frequency 480 Vac, 60 HzInput Wiring – Three-Wire Model 3 wire + ground – No neutralInput Wiring – Four-Wire Model 4 wire + groundOperating Input CurrentFor Three-Wire configurations, see Table 2 or Table 3.For Four-Wire configurations, see Table 4 or Table 5.88..22..22 OOuuttppuuttOperating Output Voltage and Frequency 480 Vac, 60 HzOutput Wiring– Three-Wire Model 3 wire + ground – No neutralOutput Wiring– Four-Wire Model 4 wire + groundOutput CurrentFor Three-Wire configurations, see Table 2 or Table 3.For Four-Wire configurations, see Table 4 or Table 5.