9Notes and warningsPRC-E Series Instruction Manual MN014003EN August 2015 www.eaton.comRUNe: The RUN LED will blink on and off at regular onesecond intervals when the BCB is properly wired andcommunicating with the controller. If the RUN LED blinkstwice in succession and is then off for three seconds, thereis a problem with the BCB communication.otee:N If a BCB is addressed to 0, no addressing, the Runstatus LED will indicate as normal. BCB addressingshould be verified if there are issues.PRC-E Series controller wiringThe PRC-E controller handles the communication of directcontrollable circuit breaker command and status throughthe onboard SLAN port. In addition to controlling circuitbreakers, the PRC-E Series controller has low voltage inputsand outputs, which can be used for switches, occupancysensors, photocells, dimmable fluorescent ballasts, andLED drivers.To access the controller low voltage compartment, loosenthe two LCD display captive screws (Figure 15) until theunit can be opened downward using the hinge on thebottom. It is recommended that the power switch be placedin the OFF position before any wiring is pulled into thiscompartment or before any connections are made.otee:N It is not recommended that the LCD display befully removed, however, if it must be fully removed;consult the PRC technical support line to receiveassistance with removal and the reinstall.Figure 15 Low Voltage Compartment AccessLocated in the low voltage compartment are the connectorsfor Ethernet (PRC2000E and PRC1500E only), ControllerNetwork (CNET) (not available on PRC750E), Digital SwitchNetwork (DSN) (not available on PRC750E), Micro SD, andlow voltage I/O. For more information on the Ethernet andController Network (CNET) connections, see the “Networkoverview” section on page 12. For more information onthe DSN, see the “Digital Switch” section on page 81.The USB port is for system level storage. The Micro SD cardis used for programming backup and historical data storage.Figure 16 PRC-E Class 2 Wiring CompartmentThere are also three rows of screw-terminal connectorstrips. These rows are combined into logical blocks asillustrated in Figure 17.Figure 17 Low Voltage Wiring TerminalsLow voltage inputs and outputsEach PRC-E Series controller has a number of low voltageinput and output connections. These general purposepoints can be used for a variety of applications includingoverride switches, dimmable fluorescent ballasts and LEDdrivers, photocell dry-contact, photosensors analog levelfor daylight harvesting, rheostats, occupancy sensors, andfor interfacing with other control systems like securityor building control. In addition to the input and outputterminations, the controllers also provide terminals forexternal device supply power. There is a terminal for thepower supply voltage (PWR) for convenient connectionto the 30 Vac or Vdc supply power (1 A max.) and 12 Vdcterminals (12 V) that have a maximum of 500 mA available.Each group of input, output, and power points is labeledin Figure 17 and each group is discussed separately inthe following sections. Also, be aware that this topic ispurposely kept generic due to the many different possibleapplications.