19LCD touchscreen display programmingPRC-E Series Instruction Manual MN014003EN August 2015 www.eaton.comTable 2 shows the default settings that will be applied tothe connected BCBs in 42-circuits panelboards.Table 2 Default BCB Addressing Auto-ConfigurationAddress Type Panelboard Name1 Left 1 PNL12 Right 1 PNL13 Left 2 PNL24 Right 2 PNL25 Left 3 PNL36 Right 3 PNL37 Left 4 PNL48 Right 4 PNL4If required, these default settings can be edited to meet thecurrent panelboard layout.To edit the configuration of a BCB, in the “PanelboardConfiguration” screen, tap the row of the BCB.This will display the “Configure BCB…” screen.In this screen, the “Panelboard” number, “Type” (position),and “Name” can be edited. If any changes are made in thisscreen, the “Save” button will turn “red” to signify thatchanges need to be saved.The “Panelboard” number can be 1 through 8, the “Type”depends on the BCB position and type of panelboard andthe “Name” can be any 4-character alphanumeric input forthe panelboard identification. See the list of panelboardtypes and their descriptions for details.Table 3 Panelboard TypesType Circuit Breaker Numbers PanelboardLeft Odd-numbered (1–41) 42-circuitRight Even-numbered (2–42) 42-circuitLeft-18 Odd-numbered (1–17) 18-circuitRight-18 Even-numbered (2–18) 18-circuitLeft-30 Odd-numbered (1–29) 30-circuitRight-30 Even-numbered (2–30) 30-circuitTop Sequential (1–21) 30 and 42-circuit columnBottom Sequential (22–42) 42-circuit columnTop-9 Sequential (1–9) 9-circuit columnBottom-30 Sequential (22–30) 30-circuit columnOnce all the BCB configuration edits are complete, tap thered “Save” button to save the changes or the Back button todisregard changes.To leave the page without saving changes, just tap the“Back” button.Tap the “Back” button to return to the “PanelboardConfiguration” screen.Once all the panelboard configuration edits are complete,the “Discover Breakers” command must be initiated.Discover breakersThe controllable circuit breakers in the panelboards must bediscovered by the PRC-E controller. The “Discover Breakers”command must be initiated at the commissioning of thesystem, after any addition of controllable circuit breaker(s) ina panelboard(s), after any addition of PRCEP panelboard(s) toa system or after a panelboard configuration change. Duringthis discovery process, the BCBs in the master panelboard,and all PRCEP panelboards connected to it, will be scannedfor the presence of controllable circuit breakers. The presenceof each controllable circuit breaker is captured and stored inthe controller’s database. The BCB addressing is critical forthis process to be successful. In the Master and Expansionpanelboards, each BCB should have a unique address of 1–8.See the “BCB addressing” section on page 48.