11Notes and warningsPRC-E Series Instruction Manual MN014003EN August 2015 www.eaton.comAnalog outputsAnalog output points are used as control for dimmablefluorescent ballasts and dimmable LED drivers. The outputis 0–10 Vdc with a maximum current of 80 mA sink ormaximum 40 mA source. Consult fluorescent ballast and LEDdriver data sheets or with the manufacturers of the productsfor maximum current requirements for the device prior topurchase and install. For compatibility verification, pleasecontact the Eaton Lighting Control Technical Support group.The above schematic demonstrates the connection of theanalog output.m CAUTIONTO AVOID DAMAGE TO THE PRCE CONTROLLER OUTPUTS OROTHER EQUIPMENT, THE NEGATIVE (–) CONNECTION SHOULD BECOMPLETED PRIOR TO THE POSITIVE (+) CONNECTION OF THEANALOG OUTPUT.0–10 V dimming fluorescent ballast or LED driver connectionto analog output.Switch Override ControllerThe Pow-R-Command Switch Override Controller (PRCSOC)can be used to connect digital and analog I/O to PRCsystems. This device is recommended when controlleronboard digital and analog I/O has been exceeded orwhen there is an advantage to connecting remote I/O viaa RS-485 network connection. The PRCSOC is suppliedwith the controller, termination board, 120/277 Vacpower supply in a NEMA 1 enclosure (consult factory foralternative methods of adding digital and analog I/O).Figure 18 Switch Override Controller inExternal Cabinet0–10 Vdc (max. 80 mA sink40 mA source)0–10 Vdc (max. 80 mA sink40 mA source)Up to max 80 mA sink or40 mA source per outputPRC RS-485 (CNET)Belden 3105A Shieldedtwisted pair