CHAPTER 11 - PXG600E SYSTEM INTEGRATIONEATON PXG600E User Manual • IM02603003E Rev 5, 11-May-2012 • Firmware Version 5.03:3835170Addressing the Target Downstream DeviceEach “downstream” device is assigned a unique Modbus TCP Unit ID. Thisunit ID can be found on the Device Summary. Refer to the PXG600EDevice Summary Web Page Details on page 155 for examples. Thisunit ID is used as the Modbus TCP unit identifier by the Modbus TCP client.To access data from a “downstream” device, the Modbus TCP clientgenerates a request to the IP address of the PXG600E with the unit identifierset to access the targeted “downstream” device. Consult the userinformation of your Modbus TCP client to determine how to set the unitidentifier on a message.Downstream Device Register MapEach “downstream” device supported by the PXG600E has a fixed registermap. This map contains all of the data that is identified in the EDS file for thedevice. The register maps for all supported devices are included on thePXG600E CD-ROM that is shipped with the PX600. This map shows theregister assignments and data formats for the supported parameters.Triggering INCOM Slave Actions from Modbus TCPThe PXG600E supports a selected set of slave actions on some of the INCOMdevices. The supported slave actions are listed in the register map of thedevice. See the user’s manual for the specific INCOM device for informationon the specific slave action command functionality.The slave action command is sent to the target INCOM device every timeyou perform a write to the corresponding Modbus TCP register. You onlyhave to perform the write once to trigger the command. Use the write valueof “1.”NOTICE: Additional slave actions are available for select INCOMdevices. Refer to for these updated EDS files.Supported Function CodesThe PXG600E supports the following Modbus TCP function codes:Modbus Pass-Through to Modbus RTU DevicesThe PXG600E supports a direct pass-through mode to Modbus RTU devices.This mode of operation is only available for the Modbus RTU “downstream”devices.Code Description01 Read coil status02 Read input status03 Read Holding Register04 Read Input Register05 Force Single Coil06 Write Single Register15 Force Multiple Coils16 Preset Multiple Registers