CHAPTER 8 - PXG600E CONFIGURATION WEB PAGE43EATON PXG600E User Manual • IM02603003E Rev 5, 11-May-2012 • Firmware Version 5.03:3835Configuration of Downstream Communication PortsINCOM ConfigurationINCOM Configuration allows you to change parameters in the INCOMnetwork.The PXG600E supports synchronization of clocks on INCOM devices thatsupport the set time and date command.1. To access the INCOM Configuration, click on the INCOM link(Figure 32, A) in the toolbar of the PXG600E configuration web page.2. To enable the clock synchronization feature, click the ENABLE DATE/TIME SYNC box (Figure 32, B).NOTICE: The default value of the clock synchronization featureis enabled.Figure 323. Enter INCOM Receive Timeout Extend (Figure 32, C) in milliseconds.INCOM Receive Timeout Extend is a value which is added to the defaultINCOM timeout when receiving data from an INCOM device. It allowsthe user to wait longer for INCOM responses from devices who may notrespond as promptly as others.NOTICE: The default value of the INCOM Receive TimeoutExtend feature is zero.4. Enter the PowerNet IP address (Figure 32, D) (format aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd).If the PXG600E is used as an EMINT in a PowerNet device server, enterthe IP address of the PowerNet device server in this field. This willensure that the PXG600E will only respond exclusively to that PowerNetdevice server broadcast messages.5. You can SAVE ALL SETTINGS, VIEW CHANGES or DISCARD CHANGESthat you have made. For details on how to use these functions, seeCommon PXG600E Configuration Functions on page 39.PXG600E_273ABCD