CHAPTER 5 - PXG600E THEORY OF OPERATIONEATON PXG600E User Manual • IM02603003E Rev 5, 11-May-2012 • Firmware Version 5.03:383514Supported Downstream NetworksThe PXG600E can simultaneously support INCOM, QCPort and Modbus RTUnetworks. The COM1 and COM2 networks must be configured during set-upto support either QCPort or Modbus RTU.The PXG600E can support a total of 96 devices at a time between the threeports.Individual port limits:• INCOM port – 64 device limit• COM1 port – 32 device limit, supports either QCPort or Modbus RTUdevices• COM2 port – 32 device limit, supports either QCPort or Modbus RTUdevicesTherefore, INCOM port + COM1 port + COM2 port cannot exceed 96devicesINCOM NetworkThe PXG600E continuously exchanges data with devices on an INCOMnetwork and makes that data available via an embedded web server andseveral other Ethernet protocols. This data exchange includes selected databuffer reads and INCOM slave actions. Additionally, the PXG600E supportssynchronization of clocks on INCOM devices that support the set time anddate command.In addition to the continuous data exchange, the PXG600E supports pass-through of encapsulated INCOM messages over Ethernet. This pass-throughcapability allows the use of existing PowerNet software to configure INCOMdevices from the Ethernet port of the PXG600E.QCPort NetworkThe PXG600E continuously exchanges data with devices on a QCPortnetwork and makes that data available via an embedded web server andseveral other Ethernet protocols. This data exchange includes selected inputreads.In addition to the continuous data exchange, the PXG600E supports pass-through of encapsulated QCPort messages over Ethernet. This pass-throughcapability allows the use of existing CH Studio software to configure QCPortdevices from the Ethernet port of the PXG600E.Modbus RTU NetworkThe PXG600E continuously exchanges data with devices on a Modbus RTUnetwork and makes that data available via an embedded web server andseveral other Ethernet protocols. This data exchange includes selected inputregister reads.In addition to the continuous data exchange, the PXG600E supports directModbus TCP pass-through functionality to access the Modbus RTU devicesfrom the Ethernet port of the PXG600E. This pass-through capability allowsaccess to all read and write registers in a Modbus RTU device. It also allowsfor the use of any third party Modbus RTU device configuration tools thatsupport connectivity through a standard Modbus TCP gateway.