CHAPTER 8 - PXG600E CONFIGURATION WEB PAGE59EATON PXG600E User Manual • IM02603003E Rev 5, 11-May-2012 • Firmware Version 5.03:3835Adding a New Main - Step-By-StepTo add a new Main to the system, follow these procedures:1. Click on the button (Figure 51, A) in the device list of the PXG600Econfiguration web page.Figure 512. Select “Main” from the “Create Which Device” drop-down menu(Figure 52, A). Note that if there are no Buses installed on thePXG600E, “Main” and Bus” are the only devices you will find on thedrop-down menu. If there is at least one Bus installed on the PXG600E,there will be a variety of devices listed on the “Create Which Device”menu. Some of the devices that are available are listed in theSupported Device List on page 263. This list was current when thismanual was published. The most current list is available Click on the button (Figure 52, B) to proceed to Step 5 if you aresatisfied with your selection.4. Click on the button (Figure 52, C) to go back to Step 1 if you wishto change the selection.Figure 52PXG600E-288APXG600E_289ABC