P0016-LI-03.01 13External Sounder/Strobe ConnectionsThe following connections are available for connection to anexternal sounder/strobe unit:TRTamper Return input. Connect to the tamper output on theexternal sounder/strobe unit. If this input is not used it must belinked to 0V.0V0V supply. Connect to the 0V (-) supply on the externalsounder/strobe unit.+12Positive 12V supply, which is protected by an auto resetting fuse(PTC) rated at 1.1A. Connect to the +12V (+) supply on theexternal sounder/strobe unit.Bell (1)Panel output 1 is pre-configured for Bell operation, i.e. it switchesto 0V when active. Connect this terminal to the bell trigger inputon the external sounder/strobe unit. The output can be invertedfor SCB operation, see page 30 for details.Strobe (2)Panel output 2 is pre-configured for Strobe operation, i.e., itswitches to 0V when active. Connect this terminal to the strobeinput on the external sounder/strobe unit.Control Panel12VTR 0V 1 2External SounderTamper0V+12V SuppyBell -veStrobe -vePanel Outputs 1 - 5The control panel has five programmable outputs, which can beused to drive auxiliary devices such as LEDs, sounders or relaysetc. (see page 30 for details on programming outputs). Eachpanel output is rated at 1 Amp and switches to 0V when active.The figure bellow shows some wiring examples:Control PanelOP12VRelay Driver+-12V RelayControl PanelOP12V1KcathodeanodeLED IndicatorLEDControl PanelOP12VBuzzer Driver+-12V Buzzer2-Wire Smoke DetectorsA maximum of 10, 12V 2-wire smoke detectors can be connectedto the control panel using panel output 5. The detectors must beconnected as shown below. The Enable 2-wire jumper link mustbe set as shown and the output must be programmed for “2-wireSmoke” (0047) operation, see page 30 for details.A Maximum of 10 2-Wire Smoke Detectorscan be connected to panel output 5Control Panel512VV In0VV OutV In0VV OutE.O.L1K