28 P0016-LI-03.012 Lockout KeypadOn: If the “Enable Code Tamper” option is enabled for theselected keypad, the keypad operation will be locked out for5 minutes if a code tamper event is generated.Off: The selected keypad operation remains unchanged.Keypad SoundsThis set of options controls how the selected keypad generatessounds from its on-board sounder.Locations: 4131 to 4136Keypads 1 to 6: Sounds.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).1 Alarm TonesOn: The selected keypad generates alarm tones.Off: The selected keypad will not generate alarm tones.2 Trouble TonesOn: The selected keypad generates trouble tones.Off: The selected keypad will not generate trouble tones.3 Chime TonesOn: The selected keypad generates chime tones.Off: The selected keypad will not generate chime tones.4 Entry TonesOn: The selected keypad generates entry tones.Off: The selected keypad will not generate entry tones.5 Exit TonesOn: The selected keypad generates exit tones.Off: The selected keypad will not generate exit tones.6 Key Press TonesOn: The selected keypad generates key press tones.Off: The selected keypad generates a short click tone when keysare pressed.7 Advisory TonesOn: The selected keypad generates advisory tones.Off: The selected keypad will not generate advisory tones.8 Tamper TonesOn: The selected keypad generates tamper alarm tones.Off: The selected keypad will not generate tamper alarm tones.Keypad AreasKeypads must be assigned to one or more areas to ensure correctoperation of the system. The keypad areas control the following:f When the system is exit mode only the keypads in the areasthat are being armed will generate the exit tone.f When arming one or more areas from a keypad, only thearming modes for the area(s) that are assigned to keypadare applied. The areas that are not assigned are armedinstantly. For example, if the keypad is assigned to area 2,and a user request to arm all areas (1-5), areas 1, 3, 4 and 5arm instantly and the exit mode for area 2 is applied e.g. 30seconds exit delay.f When using a “Local Standard” user only the areas assignedto keypad can be armed and disarmed.f When a lid tamper is activated from the keypad, the tamperalarm is generated for the area(s) assigned to keypad.Locations: 4141 to 4146Keypads 1 to 6: Areas.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).1 Area 1On: The keypad is assigned to area 1.Off: The keypad is not assigned to area 1.2 Area 2On: The keypad is assigned to area 2.Off: The keypad is not assigned to area 2.3 Area 3On: The keypad is assigned to area 3.Off: The keypad is not assigned to area 3.4 Area 4On: The keypad is assigned to area 4.Off: The keypad is not assigned to area 4.5 Area 5On: The keypad is assigned to area 5.Off: The keypad is not assigned to area 5.