P0016-LI-03.01 276 Repeat every 15 MinutesOn: The voice message repeats every 15 minutes until theassociated “Link Control” is no longer active.Off: The voice message plays once.7 Repeat every 30 MinutesOn: The voice message repeats every 30 minutes until theassociated “Link Control” is no longer active.Off: The voice message plays once.8 Repeat every 60 MinutesOn: The voice message repeats every 60 minutes until theassociated “Link Control” is no longer active.Off: The voice message plays once.Options 2 to 8 can be added together to createcombined timings, e.g., if option 3 and 4 are on thevoice message will repeat every 1 minute and 30seconds.System LinksEach system output can be assigned a “Link” number, which inturn is used to control the “Link Control” output types, for detailson link control, see page 32.Locations: 3901 to 3950System Outputs 01 to 50: Link.Entry Mode: Number Entry (see page 18).The table below shows the system output types and theircorresponding number 01 to 50. For details of each systemoutput function, please see page 31.System Link Types01 = AC Fault02 = ATS Fault03 = System Open04 = System Armed05 = System Part Armed06 = System Armed/Alarm07 = Bell08 = Strobe09 = Intruder Alarm10 = Confirmed Alarm11 = Alarm Abort12 = Fire Alarm13 = PA Alarm14 = Duress Alarm15 = 24hr Alarm16 = Medical Alarm17 = Tamper Alarm18 = Ready for Arming19 = Trouble20 = Alert21 = Bypass22 = In Walk Test23 = Flash 1 Second24 = User Test Active25 = PSTN Fault26 = PSTN Off-Hook27 = PSTN Ringing28 = Battery Fault29 = Control Panel Box Tamper30 = Bell Tamper31 = Engineer on Site32 = Detector Reset33 = Switched 12V34 = System Low Volts35 = Exit Mode36 = Entry Mode37 = Second Entry Mode38 = General Alarm39 = Auxiliary40 = Warning41 = Keypads Locked42 = Output Fault43 = Engineer Reset Required44 = Device Fault45 = Service Required46 = Cleaner Bypassed47 = 2-Wire Smoke48 = 2-Wire Smoke Alarm49 = 2-Wire Smoke Fault50 = Door Access51 = Alarm Test52 = Panel AC On53 = Reset Active54 = Arming Failed55 = Confirm Device4. Keypad ConfigurationThis section covers programming of the remote keypads.Keypad Options 1This first set of options controls how the selected keypad onboardkeys and tamper function.Locations: 4111 to 4114Keypads 1 to 4: Options 2.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).1 Fire Activation from keys 1 and 3On: Pressing keys 1 and 3 on the selected keypad at the sametime will generate a fire alarm event.Off: The selected keypad cannot generate fire alarm events.2 Medical Activation from keys 4 and 6On: Pressing keys 4 and 6 on the selected keypad at the sametime will generate a medical alarm event.Off: The selected keypad cannot generate medical alarm events.3 PA Activation from keys 7 and 9On: Pressing keys 7 and 9 on the selected keypad at the sametime will generate a panic alarm (PA) event.Off: The selected keypad cannot generate panic alarm events.4 Silent Keypad PAOn: If option 3 is enabled the selected keypad will generate asilent panic alarm event.Off: If option 3 is enabled the selected keypad will generate anaudible panic alarm event.5 Quick Away Arm EnabledOn: The away arm mode can be carried out from the selectedkeypad by simply pressing key.Off: The user passcode must be entered at the selected keypadbefore the away arm mode can be selected.6 Quick Stay Arm EnabledOn: The stay arm mode can be carried out from the selectedkeypad by simply pressing key.Off: The user passcode must be entered at the selected keypadbefore the stay arm mode can be selected.7 Quick Bypass EnabledOn: The zone bypass feature can be invoked at the selectedkeypad by simply pressing key.Off: The user passcode must be entered at the selected keypadbefore the bypass feature can be selected.8 Keypad Tamper EnabledOn: The lid tamper on the selected keypad is monitored.Off: The lid tamper on the selected keypad is not monitored.Keypad Options 2This second set of options controls how the selected keypadfunctions when invalid keys are pressed (code tamper).Locations: 4121 to 4126Keypads 1 to 6: Options 2.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).1 Enable Code TamperOn: Entering 15 or more invalid key presses on the selectedkeypad will generate a code tamper event.Off: The selected keypad cannot generate code tamper events.