P0016-LI-03.01 171 1 0 1 =4Press to acceptand return to step*ÌPress to canceland return to stepRÊPress to acceptand move to next location#Selection List: LCD KeypadEngineers MenuLocation:----Engineers MenuLocation:1101Zone 01 TypeFinal Exit 1Zone 01 TypeIntruderZone 01 Type04Enter Engineers code????Enter location Noe.g. 1101????Press to displaythe current value*Press to scroll throughlist options or enter itemnumber, e.g., 04BTo display the item numberpress and hold anynumber key.Press to acceptand return to step*ÌPress to canceland return to stepRÊPress to acceptand move to next location.#Bit Toggle SelectionThis type of data entry is used for enabling and disabling up to 8options. Each option is represented by a number 1 to 8 and hasan associated description. When using the LCD keypad forprogramming the description can be displayed by holding downthe bit option number, the LED keypad can only display thenumber. The figures below show the programming procedure forboth LED and LCD remote keypads:Bit Toggle Selection: LED KeypadEn1 3 0 1Enter Engineers code????Enter location Noe.g. 1301????Press to displaythe current value*Location number & currentoptions are displayed.Options 2 & 5 are enabled.1 3 0 1 =5Press to acceptand return to step*ÌPress to canceland return to stepRÊPress to acceptand move to next location#1 3 0 1 =2 =5Use keys to to toggleoptions on or off, e.g, press2 to turn option2 off.1 8= All options off.= All options on.09Bit Toggle Selection: LCD KeypadEngineers MenuLocation:----Engineers MenuLocation:1301Zone 01 Attributes 1.2..5..Enter Engineers code????Enter location Noe.g. 1301????Press to displaythe current value*To display the optiondescription press and holdthe option number key.Press to acceptand return to step*ÌPress to canceland return to stepRÊPress to acceptand move to next location.#Location number & currentoptions are displayed.Options 2 & 5 are enabled.Zone 01 Attributes 1....5..Auto rearm....5..Use keys to to toggleoptions on or off, e.g, press2 to turn option2 off.1 8= All options off.= All options on.09