22 P0016-LI-03.012. Area OptionsThis section covers programming of the arming modes, timersand options for each of the 5 areas.Area TimersEach arming mode has its own set of timers that are used tocontrol various delays during arming, disarming and in alarm.Locations: 2101 to 2107Area 1: Timers 01 to 07.2201 to 2207Area 2: Timers 01 to 07.2301 to 2307Area 3: Timers 01 to 07.2401 to 2407Area 4: Timers 01 to 07.2501 to 2507Area 5: Timers 01 to 07.Entry Mode: Number Entry (see page 18).01 Exit DelayWhen the Arming Mode is configured as Timed or deferred, thistimer sets the delay between the user initiating the exit procedureand the system actually arming.02 Entry 1 DelayWhen the system is armed, activation of a “Final Exit 1” zone willstart the entry 1 delay timer, this allows the user time to accessthe remote keypad and disarm the system.03 Entry 2 DelayWhen the system is armed, activation of a “Final Exit 2” zone willstart the entry 2 delay timer, this allows the user time to accessthe remote keypad and disarm the system.04 Second EntryIf at the end of normal entry (Entry 1 or 2) delay, the system hasnot been disarmed, the system will start the second entry delay,during this time the internal alarm tone will sound. If at the end ofthe second entry delay the system has still not been disarmed, afull alarm is generated.05 Bell DelayWhen an alarm is generated, this timer is used to delay theactivation of the external sounder and strobe.06 Bell DurationWhen an alarm is generated, this timer is used to control theactive duration of the external sounder and strobe.07 Comms DelayWhen an alarm is generated, this timer is used to delay theactivation of the on-board communicator.Area Arming ModesThis set of options control how the selected area is armed forboth the “Away” and “Stay” arming mode.Locations: 2131 - Area 1 Away Arm Mode.2231 - Area 2 Away Arm Mode.2331 - Area 3 Away Arm Mode.2431 - Area 4 Away Arm Mode.2531 - Area 5 Away Arm Mode.2132 - Area 1 Stay Arm Mode.2232 - Area 2 Stay Arm Mode.2332 - Area 3 Stay Arm Mode.2432 - Area 4 Stay Arm Mode.2532 - Area 5 Stay Arm Mode.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).0 Final ExitWhen the exit mode is started, the selected area will only armafter the activation of a Final Exit 1 or Final Exit 2 zone type, e.g.,after the front door is opened the closed.1 Timed ExitWhen the exit mode is started, the selected area will arm after theExit Delay timer has expired.2 Exit TerminatorWhen the exit mode is started, the selected area will only armafter activation of a Final Exit 1 or Final Exit 2 zone type, followedby the activation of an Exit terminator zone, e.g., after the frontdoor is opened the closed and the push to set button has beenpressed.3 DeferredWhen the exit mode is started, the selected area will arm after theExit Delay timer has expired. However, if a zone off the exit routeis activated during this period, the Exit Delay timer is suspendedwhilst the zone is active.Area Configuration Options 1This first set of configuration options controls the operation ofeach area.Locations: 2141 - Area 1 Configuration Options 1.2241 - Area 2 Configuration Options 1.2341 - Area 3 Configuration Options 1.2441 - Area 4 Configuration Options 1.2541 - Area 5 Configuration Options 1.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).1 Arming with AC offOn: The selected area can be armed when the mains supply isswitched off.Off: The selected area cannot be armed when the mains supplyis switched off.2 Arming with ATS FaultOn: The selected area can be armed with an Alarm TransmissionFault (telephone line fault).Off: The selected area cannot be armed when the mains supplyis switched off.3 Auto Stay ArmOn: The selected area automatically performs a Stay Arm, if theuser does not activate a Final Exit zone.Off: The selected area will always perform an Away Arm.4 Silent ExitOn: The selected area exit tone remains silent during exit mode.Off: The selected area exit tone is generated during exit mode.5 Local Exit ToneOn: If the exit tone is enabled, the exit tone is only generatedfrom the remote keypad that was used arm the selectedarea.Off: If the exit tone is enabled, the exit tone is generated from alldevices assigned to selected area.6 Anti-Masking when ArmedOn: Anti-Masking faults are only monitored when the selectedarea is armed.Off: Anti-Masking faults are monitored at all times for theselected area.