P0016-LI-03.01 375 Test/Misc.On: The selected ARC reports events that are assigned in thetest/misc. group.Off: The selected ARC does not report test/misc. events.6 RestoreOn: The selected ARC reports events that are assigned in therestore group.Off: The selected ARC does not report restore events.7 CustomOn: The selected ARC reports events that are assigned in thecustom group.Off: The selected ARC does not report custom events.ARC 1-4: Cancel on SuccessThis set of options allows you to control communication sequencefor each ARC. When the on-board communicator is triggered by anevent it will call the ARC using the settings defined in ARC 1. If thecommunication attempt is successful, this option can be used toeither cancel attempts for the remaining available ARC’s or moveon and call the next available ARC.Locations: 7061 to 7064ARC 1 to 4: Cancel on Success.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).1 Stop ARC 1On: The selected ARC will cancel further attempts to ARC 1 aftera successful communication.Off: The selected ARC will move on to next ARC after a successfulcommunication.2 Stop ARC 2On: The selected ARC will cancel further attempts to ARC 2 aftera successful communication.Off: The selected ARC will move on to next ARC after a successfulcommunication.3 Stop ARC 3On: The selected ARC will cancel further attempts to ARC 3 aftera successful communication.Off: The selected ARC will move on to next ARC after a successfulcommunication.4 Stop ARC 4On: The selected ARC will cancel further attempts to ARC 4 aftera successful communication.Off: The selected ARC will move on to next ARC after a successfulcommunication.ARC 1-4: AreasThis option controls which areas report events to the ARC.Locations: 7071 to 7074ARC 1 to 4: Areas.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).1 Area 1On: Events that occur in area 1 are reported to ARC.Off: Events that occur in area 1 are not reported.2 Area 2On: Events that occur in area 2 are reported to ARC.Off: Events that occur in area 2 are not reported.3 Area 3On: Events that occur in area 3 are reported to ARC.Off: Events that occur in area 3 are not reported.4 Area 4On: Events that occur in area 4 are reported to ARC.Off: Events that occur in area 4 are not reported.5 Area 5On: Events that occur in area 5 are reported to ARC.Off: Events that occur in area 5 are not reported.ARC 1-4: IP AddressThis option allows an IP address to be programmed for each ARC.Locations: 7081 to 7084ARC 1 to 4: IP Address.Entry Mode: String Edit - Number Mode (see page 18).Whilst programming IP address, addition characters can beinserted:B3: Insert a “.”.ARC 1-4: IP Port NumberThis option allows an IP port number to be programmed for eachARC.Locations: 7091 to 7094ARC 1 to 4: IP Port Number.Entry Mode: String Edit - Number Mode (see page 18).Options: Auto Test Call PeriodThe on-board communicator can be programmed to send a testcall event to the ARC. This option controls the period in hours inwhich a test call is sent. The test call timer is reset every time asystem event is successfully communicated, therefore a test callwill only be sent once the timer reaches zero.Location: 7101Entry Mode: Number Entry (see page 18).Options: Auto Test Call TimeThis option allows you to program a time at which the on-boardcommunicator sends a test call.Location: 7102Entry Mode: Number Entry (see page 18).The time must be entered in a 24hr format, e.g., 2100 = 9:00PM.To disable this feature program the time as 0000.Options: Auto Test DaysThis option allows you to select which days of the week the on-board communicator sends a test call.Location: 7103Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).Options 1 to 7 = Sunday to Saturday.Options: PSTN Pre-Dial NumberThis option allows a PSTN pre-dial number (up to 3 digits) to beprogrammed. Most internal telephone systems require a digit tobe dialled before an outside line and dial tone is made available.If this feature is required, make sure that the “Use PSTN Pre-Dial”option is enabled for the required ARC, see “Protocol Options” onpage 36.Location: 7104Entry Mode: String Edit - Number Mode (see page 18).