24 P0016-LI-03.013. System ConfigurationThis section covers programming of the system timers, counters,hardware, control timers, banner text, voice options and links.System TimersThe system timers control global system timing and delayoperation.Locations: 3101 - AC Fail Delay.3102 - ATS Fault Delay.3103 - Zone Response Time.3104 - Abort Delay.3105 - Battery Test Period.3106 - Battery Test Duration.3107 - Zone Soak Test Time.3108 - Double Knock Delay.3109 - Service Interval.3110 - Confirmation Period.3111 - Pulse 1 Time.3112 - Pulse 2 Time.3113 - Pulse 3 Time.3114 - Delay 1 Time.3115 - Delay 2 Time.3116 - Delay 3 Time.3117 - Warning Delay.Entry Mode: Number Entry (see page 18).01 AC Fail DelayThis timer is used to delay (0-255 minutes) the audibleannunciation from the keypads and internal sounders followingan AC mains failure. Default = 30 minutes.02 ATS Fault DelayThis timer is used to delay (0-255 minutes) the audibleannunciation from the keypads and internal sounders following aATS fault (telephone line fault). Default = 30 minutes03 Zone Response TimeThis timer is used to control the response (0-255 x 10ms) ofzones programmed with the “Fast Response” attribute. Default =750 milliseconds.04 Abort DelayThis timer is used to control abort delay period (0-255 x seconds).When an intruder alarm is generated, this timer is started and ifthe system is disarmed before the timer expires an “Alarm Abort”event is generated. This event can be signalled to the alarmreceiving centre. Default = 180 seconds.05 Battery Test PeriodThis timer is used to control frequency (0-255 hours) at which thestandby battery is load tested. Default = 24 hours.06 Battery Test DurationThis timer is used to control the duration (0-255 seconds) of thestandby battery load test. Default = 10 seconds.07 Zone Soak Test TimeThis timer is used to control the duration (0-255 days) of the zonesoak test. The timer is automatically started after a zone is put ontest. Default = 14 days.08 Double Knock DelayThis timer controls the duration (0-255 seconds) of the doubleknock delay. The double knock delay is used to control theoperation of zones programmed with “Double Knock” attribute,see page 20. Default = 30 seconds.09 Service IntervalThis timer controls the frequency (0-255 weeks) in which a“Service Required” event is generated. Default = 0 weeks.10 Confirmation PeriodThis timer controls the duration (0-255 minutes) in which aconfirmed alarm event can be generated. When the system isarmed and an intruder alarm is generated (first alarm), this timeris started. If a second, but different zone activates an intruderalarm before the timer expires, a confirmed alarm event isgenerated. Default = 45 minutes.11 Pulse 1 TimeThis timer controls the active duration (0-255 seconds) of outputsprogrammed with the “Pulse 1” attribute. Default = 10 seconds.12 Pulse 2 TimeThis timer controls the active duration (0-255 seconds) of outputsprogrammed with the “Pulse 2” attribute. Default = 30 seconds.13 Pulse 3 TimeThis timer controls the active duration (0-255 minutes) of outputsprogrammed with both the “Pulse 1” and “Pulse 2” attributes.Default = 10 minutes.14 Delay 1 TimeThis timer controls the switch on delay (0-255 seconds) of outputsprogrammed with the “Delay 1” attribute. Default = 10 seconds.15 Delay 2 TimeThis timer controls the switch on delay (0-255 seconds) of outputsprogrammed with the “Delay 2” attribute. Default = 30 seconds.16 Delay 3 TimeThis timer controls the switch on delay (0-255 minutes) of outputsprogrammed with both the “Delay 1” and “Delay 2” attributes.Default = 10 minutes.17 Warning DelayThis timer controls the delay (0-255 seconds) in which zonesprogrammed as “Warning” must remain active before a warningtone is generated. Default = 60 seconds.System CountersThe system counters are used to limit the number of times afunction or feature can be carried out.Locations: 3201 - Auto Rearm Counter.3202 - Number of Remote Resets.3203 - Count Warning.3204 - Count Logging.Entry Mode: Number Entry (see page 18).01 Auto Rearm CounterThis counter controls the number of times (0-255) a zone canrearm during an armed period. Once a zone has reached its rearmlimit, it is locked out so that it cannot cause further alarmactivations during the same armed period. Default = 3.02 No of Remote ResetsThis counter controls the number of times (0-255) the UDLsoftware can be used to reset the system remotely before anengineer must attend site. Default = 0.03 Count WarningThis counter controls the number of times (0-255) that a zonemust activate, before triggering the corresponding “Zone ##Count” output. Default = 0.02 Count LoggingThis counter controls the number of times (0-255) that a zonemust activate, before logging a “Zone Count ##” event in thesystem log. Default = 0.