36 P0016-LI-03.017. On-board CommunicatorThis section covers programming of the on-board communicator.ARC 1-4: Telephone NumberThis set of options allows the telephone number to beprogrammed for each ARC.Locations: 7001 to 7004ARC 1 to 4: Telephone Number.Entry Mode: String Edit - Number Mode (see page 18).Whilst programming telephone numbers, addition characters canbe inserted to perform the following:B1: Insert a “P” for a 1 second pause.B2: Insert a “F” to force blind dialling (no dial-tone detection).ARC 1-4: Account NumberThis set of options allows the account number to be programmedfor each ARC.Locations: 7011 to 7014ARC 1 to 4: Account Number.Entry Mode: String Edit - Number Mode (see page 18).ARC 1-4: ProtocolThis set of options allows the protocol type to be programmed foreach ARC.Locations: 7021 to 7024ARC 1 to 4: Protocol.Entry Mode: Selection List (see page 16).0 DisabledThe selected ARC is disabled.1 Contact IDThe selected ARC is configured for Contact ID protocol. Whentriggered, the on-board communicator will dial the telephonenumber and attempt to communicate with the alarm receiverusing Contact ID protocol.2 Fast FormatThe selected ARC is configured for Fast Format protocol. Whentriggered, the on-board communicator will dial the telephonenumber and attempt to communicate with the alarm receiverusing standard Fast Format protocol. The control panel supports16 Fast Format channels, see “Fast Format” on page 38.3 Voice FormatThe selected ARC is configured for Voice protocol. When triggered,the on-board communicator will dial the telephone number andplay a fixed voice message relating to alarm event.4 SMS TextThe selected ARC is configured for SMS protocol. When triggered,the on-board communicator will dial the SMS Centre and send aSMS text message to the telephone number programmed in theARC. See page 34 for programming the SMS Centre number.ARC 1-4: Protocol OptionsThis set of options allows the protocol options to be programmedfor each ARC.Locations: 7031 to 7034ARC 1 to 4: Protocol Options.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).1 Switch to Next ARC on failed AttemptOn: The on-board communicator switches to the next ARC in thesequence, if the current ARC attempt fails.Off: The on-board communicator continues dialling the selectedARC until all its attempts have been used.2 Use PSTN Pre-DialOn: The on-board communicator dials the “PSTN Pre-DialNumber” before dialling the ARC telephone number. This isnormally required when using an internal telephone system.See “PSTN Pre-Dial Number” on page 37.Off: The on-board communicator only dials the ARC telephonenumber.ARC 1-4: Call Sequence/AttemptsThis set of options allows the call sequence to be programmed foreach ARC.Locations: 7041 to 7044ARC 1 to 4: Call Sequence/Attempts.Entry Mode: String Edit - Number Mode (see page 18).The call sequence is entered as a string of digits; each numberindicates the calling method:1= PSTN (On-board Communicator)2 = GSM Module3 = IP ModuleThe call attempts are controlled by how many digits are entered.Here are some typical examples:“111” = Attempt to call the selected ARC three times using thePSTN.“1212” = Attempt to call the selected ARC four times alternatingbetween PSTN and GSM.“123” = Attempt to call the selected ARC three times using PSTN,then GSM and finally IP.“31” = Attempt to call the selected ARC twice, first using IP thenPSTN.ARC 1-4: Reported Event GroupsThis set of options allows you to control which group of eventsthat are reported for each ARC.Locations: 7051 to 7054ARC 1 to 4: Reported Event Groups.Entry Mode: Bit Toggle Selection (see page 17).1 AlarmsOn: The selected ARC reports events that are assigned in thealarm group.Off: The selected ARC does not report alarm events.2 TampersOn: The selected ARC reports events that are assigned in thetamper group.Off: The selected ARC does not report tamper events.3 FaultsOn: The selected ARC reports events that are assigned in thefault group.Off: The selected ARC does not report fault events.4 Open/CloseOn: The selected ARC reports events that are assigned in theopen/close group.Off: The selected ARC does not report open/close events.