5-68 C70 CAPACITOR BANK PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5XSWI1 INTERLOCK CLSRange: any FlexLogic operandDefault: OnThis setting is used to select a FlexLogic operand that declares to IEC 61850 services that interlocking conditions are notacceptable for closing disconnect switch 1. While the selected operand is asserted, the value of DiscCILO.EnaCls.stVal isfalse. If a SelectWithValue or Operate service with ctlVal true and with Check.Interlock-check true is requested ofDiscCSWI1.Pos or Disc0XSWI1.Pos and the selected operand is not activated, a Negative Response (-Rsp) is issued withthe REASON CODE of Blocked-by-interlocking.XSWI1 Pos ctlModelRange: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-security, direct-with-enhanced-security, sbo-with-enhanced-securityDefault: sbo-with-enhanced-securityThis setting selects the control model that clients must use to successfully control the disconnect switch 1 signalsmarked Disc0XCBR1.PosOpn.ctlVal and Disc0XCBR1.PosCls.ctlVal on the Disconnect Switch Logic diagram in the Settings> System Setup section later. These signals force a disconnect switch trip or close control while the operand selected bysetting XSWI1 ST.LOC OPERAND is not active."sbo" here is select-before-operate. Enhanced security means that the C70 reports to the client the disconnect switch 1position the end of the command sequence.XSWI1 Pos sboTimeoutRange: 2.000 to 60.000 s in steps of 0.001sDefault: 30.000 sThis setting specifies the maximum time between a select and an operate command to disconnect switch 1 signalsmarked Disc0XCBR1.PosOpn.ctlVal and Disc0XCBR1.PosCls.ctlVal in order for the operand to be successful. This setting isonly relevant when XSWI1 Pos ctlModel is sbo-with-normal-security or sbo-with-enhanced-security.XSWI1 BlkOpn ctlModelRange: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: sbo-with-normal-securityThis setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control the disconnect switch 1 signal markedDiscCSWI1.BlkOpn.ctlVal signal on the Disconnect Switch Logic diagram in the Settings > System Setup section later. Thissignal when true blocks disconnect switch 1 trip control while the operand selected by setting XSWI1 ST.LOC OPERAND isnot active.XSWI1 BlkCls ctlModelRange: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: sbo-with-normal-securityThis setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control the disconnect switch 1 signal markedDiscCSWI1.BlkCls.ctlVal signal on the Disconnect Switch Logic diagram in the Settings > System Setup section later. Thissignal when true blocks disconnect switch 1 close control while the operand selected by setting XSWI1 ST.LOC OPERANDis not active.CSWI1 Pos ctlModelRange: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-security, direct-with-enhanced-security, sbo-with-enhanced-securityDefault: sbo-with-normal-securityThis setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control the disconnect switch 1 signals markedDiscCSWI1.PosOpn.ctlVal and DiscCSWI1.PosCls.ctlVal on the Disconnect Switch Logic diagram in the Settings > SystemSetup section later. These signals force a disconnect switch trip or close control while the operand selected by settingXSWI1 ST.LOC OPERAND is not active.