ii C70 CAPACITOR BANK PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALABBREVIATIONSGOOSE General Object Oriented Substation EventGPS Global Positioning SystemGSU Generator Step-UpHARM Harmonic / HarmonicsHCT High Current TimeHGF High-Impedance Ground Fault (CT)HIZ High-Impedance and Arcing GroundHMI Human-Machine InterfaceHTTP Hyper Text Transfer ProtocolHV High VoltageHYB HybridHz HertzI InstantaneousI_0 Zero Sequence currentI_1 Positive Sequence currentI_2 Negative Sequence currentIA Phase A currentIAB Phase A minus B currentIB Phase B currentIBC Phase B minus C currentIC Phase C currentICA Phase C minus A currentID IdentificationIED Intelligent Electronic DeviceIEC International Electrotechnical CommissionIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic EngineersIG Ground (not residual) currentIgd Differential Ground currentIN CT Residual Current (3Io) or InputINC SEQ Incomplete SequenceINIT InitiateINST InstantaneousINV InverseI/O Input/OutputIOC Instantaneous OvercurrentIOV Instantaneous OvervoltageIRIG Inter-Range Instrumentation GroupISO International Standards OrganizationIUV Instantaneous UndervoltageK0 Zero Sequence Current CompensationkA kiloAmperekV kiloVoltLED Light Emitting DiodeLEO Line End OpenLFT BLD Left BlinderLOOP LoopbackLPU Line PickupLRA Locked-Rotor CurrentLTC Load Tap-ChangerLV Low VoltageM MachinemA MilliAmpereMAG MagnitudeMAN Manual / ManuallyMAX MaximumMIC Model Implementation ConformanceMIN Minimum, MinutesMMI Man Machine InterfaceMMS Manufacturing Message SpecificationMRT Minimum Response TimeMSG MessageMTA Maximum Torque AngleMTR MotorMVA MegaVolt-Ampere (total 3-phase)MVA_A MegaVolt-Ampere (phase A)MVA_B MegaVolt-Ampere (phase B)MVA_C MegaVolt-Ampere (phase C)MVAR MegaVar (total 3-phase)MVAR_A MegaVar (phase A)MVAR_B MegaVar (phase B)MVAR_C MegaVar (phase C)MVARH MegaVar-HourMW MegaWatt (total 3-phase)MW_A MegaWatt (phase A)MW_B MegaWatt (phase B)MW_C MegaWatt (phase C)MWH MegaWatt-HourN NeutralN/A, n/a Not ApplicableNEG NegativeNMPLT NameplateNOM NominalNTR NeutralO OverOC, O/C OvercurrentO/P, Op OutputOP OperateOPER OperateOPERATG OperatingO/S Operating SystemOSI Open Systems InterconnectOSB Out-of-Step BlockingOUT OutputOV OvervoltageOVERFREQ OverfrequencyOVLD OverloadP PhasePC Phase Comparison, Personal ComputerPCNT PercentPF Power Factor (total 3-phase)PF_A Power Factor (phase A)PF_B Power Factor (phase B)PF_C Power Factor (phase C)PFLL Phase and Frequency Lock LoopPHS PhasePICS Protocol Implementation & ConformanceStatementPKP PickupPLC Power Line CarrierPOS PositivePOTT Permissive Over-reaching Transfer TripPRESS PressurePRI PrimaryPROT ProtectionPSEL Presentation Selectorpu Per UnitPUIB Pickup Current BlockPUIT Pickup Current TripPUSHBTN PushbuttonPUTT Permissive Under-reaching Transfer TripPWM Pulse Width ModulatedPWR PowerQUAD QuadrilateralR Rate, ReverseRCA Reach Characteristic AngleREF ReferenceREM RemoteREV ReverseRI Reclose InitiateRIP Reclose In ProgressRGT BLD Right BlinderRMA Return Materials AuthorizationRMS Root Mean SquareROCOF Rate of Change of Frequency