2-22 C70 CAPACITOR BANK PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 2: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION2Timer accuracy: ±3% or 10 ms, whichever is greater2.5.2 User-programmable elementsFLEXLOGICProgramming language: Reverse Polish Notation with graphical visualization (keypad programmable)Lines of code: 512Internal variables: 64Supported operations: NOT, XOR, OR (2 to 16 inputs), AND (2 to 16 inputs), NOR (2 to 16 inputs), NAND (2 to 16 inputs),latch (reset-dominant), edge detectors, timersInputs: any logical variable, contact, or virtual inputNumber of timers: 32Pickup delay: 0 to 60000 (ms, sec., min.) in steps of 1Dropout delay: 0 to 60000 (ms, sec., min.) in steps of 1FLEXCURVES™Number: 4 (A through D)Reset points: 40 (0 through 1 of pickup)Operate points: 80 (1 through 20 of pickup)Time delay: 0 to 65535 ms in steps of 1FLEX STATESNumber: up to 256 logical variables grouped under 16 Modbus addressesProgrammability: any logical variable, contact, or virtual inputFLEXELEMENTS™Number of elements: 16Operating signal: any analog actual value, or two values in differential modeOperating signal mode: signed or absolute valueOperating mode: level, deltaComparator direction: over, underPickup Level: –90.000 to 90.000 pu in steps of 0.001Hysteresis: 0.1 to 50.0% in steps of 0.1Delta dt: 20 ms to 60 daysPickup and dropout delay: 0.000 to 65.535 s in steps of 0.001NON-VOLATILE LATCHESType: set-dominant or reset-dominantNumber: 16 (individually programmed)Output: stored in non-volatile memoryExecution sequence: as input prior to protection, control, and FlexLogicUSER-PROGRAMMABLE LEDsNumber: 48 plus trip and alarmProgrammability: from any logical variable, contact, or virtual inputReset mode: self-reset or latchedLED TESTInitiation: from any contact input or user-programmable conditionNumber of tests: 3, interruptible at any timeDuration of full test: approximately 3 minutesTest sequence 1: all LEDs onTest sequence 2: all LEDs off, one LED at a time on for 1 sTest sequence 3: all LEDs on, one LED at a time off for 1 sUSER-DEFINABLE DISPLAYSNumber of displays: 16