4-20 C70 CAPACITOR BANK PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALFRONT PANEL INTERFACE CHAPTER 4: INTERFACES4Rolling modeAfter a user-defined period of inactivity, the graphical front display rolls among up to 10 user-selected pages. The roll-to-pages are selected in the EnerVista software, with the defaults being the product information page. Each page displays forless than five seconds. Also, the display backlight intensity is lowered after a configurable period to a user-defined level (0,10, 20, or 30%); lower intensity extends the life of the display.Configure rolling mode in the software under Settings > Product Setup > Graphical Panel > Rolling Mode.Operation works as follows:• Press the Home pushbutton or ESCAPE pushbutton twice to cancel rolling, restore full backlight intensity, and returnto the Home page• Press the ENTER, ESCAPE, or a pushbutton to pause rolling once and restore full backlight intensityRolling is disabled by setting the delay to 0.The following buttons display at the top of the window:• Save — Updates the connected device if online or the open setting file if offline with changes made• Restore — Undoes changes that have not been saved• Default — Changes all rolling mode settings to their factory default values• Reset — Displays factory default values. Previous changes are not lost unless you save the reset window.Single-line diagramsA single-line diagram, or mimic diagram, is a line drawing of elements in an electrical system. The graphical front paneldisplays up to five single-line diagrams. Each can be configured to show the arrangement of a portion of the powersystem, the status of circuit breakers and of ground and disconnect switches, user-programmable pushbuttons, andmetering and status values. Each also enables control of the displayed power system devices.One diagram is provided by default, single_bus_line_dsc.mif, which can be modified.Configure the diagrams under Settings > Product Setup > Graphical Panel > Single Line Diagram Editor.Each single-line diagram page has a user-configurable name that appears in the header and in the footer Tab pushbuttonlabel. Factory default names are SLD 1 to SLD 5. Pages that have no configured content have a blank Tab pushbuttonlabel, and the Tab pushbutton does nothing. The label for the current page has a blue background.Figure 4-24: Toolbar options for single-line diagram