CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS CONTROL ELEMENTSC70 CAPACITOR BANK PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-2655CAP 1 LCL SET MAN — Similar to the CAP LCL SET AUTO setting, but selects manual mode.CAP 1 TRIP 1(6) — Selects up to six FlexLogic operands to activate the CAP 1 BKR TRIP operand, no matter what control modesprevail. Expected to be set to the appropriate protection element operate operand.CAP 1 SWITCH TO MANUAL ON TRIP — Allows control of the auto/manual mode when issuing a trip command. When set to“Yes,” the element switches to manual mode upon tripping the bank from protection.CAP 1 AUTO CTRL EN — Selects a FlexLogic operand to enable automatic open/close control. It is expected to be set to CAP 1IN AUTO to obtain the baseline functionality, but variations are possible.CAP 1 MAN CTRL EN — Similar to previous setting, but enables manual controls. Expected to be set to CAP 1 IN MAN.CAP 1 REMOTE OPEN — Selects a FlexLogic operand to activate the CAP 1 BKR TRIP operand when both remote and manualcontrol are enabled. It is expected to be set to a virtual input, and that the contact output wired to the capacitor breakertrip coil is set to CAP 1 BKR TRIP.CAP 1 LOCAL OPEN — Similar to previous setting, but requires both local and manual control to be enabled. Expected to beset to a pushbutton “on” operand.CAP 1 AUTO OPEN — Similar to previous setting, but requires automatic control to be enabled. Expected to be set to the opencommand of the voltage regulator either built-in or customer via FlexLogic.CAP 1 BKR OPEN 52b — Selects a FlexLogic operand that cancels the trip seal-in. Expected to be set to the contact input towhich a contact is wired that is closed when the capacitor breaker is open. When both 52a and 52b contacts are used forsecurity, the appropriate filtering logic possibly including discrepancy alarming can be programmed in FlexLogic, and theresulting virtual output can be configured under this setting.CAP 1 TRIP SEAL-IN DELAY — Sets a maximum trip seal-in duration for where the CAP 1 BKR OPEN 52b setting is not configuredor fails to operate.CAP 1 REMOTE CLOSE — Similar to the CAP 1 REMOTE OPEN setting, but closes the breaker.CAP 1 LOCAL CLOSE — Similar to the CAP 1 LOCAL OPEN setting, but closes the breaker.CAP 1 AUTO CLOSE — Similar to the CAP 1 AUTO OPEN setting, but closes the breaker.CAP 1 BKR CLSD 52a — Similar to the CAP 1 BKR OPEN 52b setting, but cancels the close seal-in, and is expected to be set to acontact that is closed when the breaker is closed. The selected operand also triggers the CAP 1 DISCHARGE TIME. When both52a and 52b contacts are used for security, the appropriate filtering logic possibly including discrepancy alarming can beprogrammed in FlexLogic, and the resulting virtual output can be configured under this setting.CAP 1 CLOSE SEAL-IN DELAY — Sets a maximum close seal-in duration for where the CAP BKR CLSD 52a setting is notconfigured or fails to operate.CAP 1 DISCHARGE TIME — Sets a time delay that inhibits closing after the bank has been switched out-of-service (the CAPBKR CLSD 52a setting goes low or trip command terminates) until the bank has had time to discharge any trapped charge.The correct value for this setting depends on the specifics of the capacitor installation.CAP 1 BKR CLOSE BLK — Selects a FlexLogic operand that triggers the CAP 1 BKR CLOSE interlock logic. Its signal is expectedto originate from capacitor breaker trips external to the relay, and thus not otherwise able to block relay closing (forexample, from the opposite group's capacitor protection).CAP 1 CLS OVERRIDE — Selects a FlexLogic operand that overrides all inhibits for the breaker close command and allows theCLOSE command to be issued from any source as per the logic diagram.