4-40 C70 CAPACITOR BANK PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALFRONT PANEL INTERFACE CHAPTER 4: INTERFACES4Figure 4-48: LED panel 1Status indicators• IN SERVICE — Indicates that control power is applied, all monitored inputs/outputs and internal systems are fine, andthe relay is in (online) Programmed mode (under Settings > Product Setup > Installation)• TROUBLE — Indicates that the relay has detected an internal problem. Check the self-test messages outlined at theend of the Commands and Targets chapter, and view the event records under Actual Values > Records. For a beta /pre-release, this LED is always on.• TEST MODE — Indicates that the relay is in test mode. For information, see the Test Mode section in the Settingschapter.• TRIP — Indicates that the selected FlexLogic operand serving as a trip switch has operated. This indicator alwayslatches; initiate the reset command to reset the latch.• ALARM — Indicates that the selected FlexLogic operand serving as an alarm switch has operated. This indicator neverlatches.• PICKUP — Indicates that an element is picked up. This indicator never latches.Event-cause indicatorsEvent-cause LEDs are turned on or off by protection elements that have their respective target setting selected as either“Enabled” or “Latched.” If a protection element target setting is “Enabled,” then the corresponding event cause LEDsremain on as long as the operand associated with the element remains asserted. If a protection element target setting is“Latched,” then the corresponding event cause LEDs turn on when the operate operand associated with the element isasserted and remains on until the RESET button on the front panel is pressed after the operand is reset.All elements that are able to discriminate faulted phases can independently turn off or on the phase A, B, or C LEDs. Thisincludes phase instantaneous overcurrent, phase undervoltage, and so on. This means that the phase A, B, and C operateoperands for individual protection elements are ORed to turn on or off the phase A, B, or C LEDs.• VOLTAGE — Indicates voltage was involved• CURRENT — Indicates current was involved• FREQUENCY — Indicates frequency was involved• OTHER — Indicates a composite function was involved• PHASE A — Indicates phase A was involved• PHASE B — Indicates phase B was involved• PHASE C — Indicates phase C was involved• NEUTRAL/GROUND — Indicates that neutral or ground was involved