5-114 D30 Line Distance Protection System GE Multilin5.6 GROUPED ELEMENTS 5 SETTINGS5• PHS DIST Z1 SHAPE: This setting selects the shape of the phase distance function between the mho and quadrilat-eral characteristics. The selection is available on a per-zone basis. The two characteristics and their possible varia-tions are shown in the following figures.Figure 5–48: DIRECTIONAL MHO DISTANCE CHARACTERISTICFigure 5–49: NON-DIRECTIONAL MHO DISTANCE CHARACTERISTIC837720A1.CDRXRREACHRCADIR RCADIR COMP LIMITDIR COMP LIMITCOMP LIMIT837802A1.CDRXRRCACOMP LIMITR E V R E AC H R E AC HREV REACHRCA