GE Multilin D30 Line Distance Protection System C-19APPENDIX C C.5 IEC 61850 IMPLEMENTATION VIA ENERVISTA UR SETUPCThe Communication node describes the direct communication connection possibilities between logical nodes by means oflogical buses (sub-networks) and IED access ports. The communication section is structured as follows.Figure 0–8: SCD FILE STRUCTURE, COMMUNICATIONS NODEThe SubNetwork node contains all access points which can (logically) communicate with the sub-network protocol andwithout the intervening router. The ConnectedAP node describes the IED access point connected to this sub-network. TheAddress node contains the address parameters of the access point. The GSE node provides the address element for stat-ing the control block related address parameters, where IdInst is the instance identification of the logical device within theIED on which the control block is located, and cbName is the name of the control block.842793A1.CDRCommunicationSubNetwork (name)ConnectedAP (IED 1)AddressGSE (IdInst, cbName)P (type)Other P elementsTextAddressP (type)Other P elementsTextOther GSE elementsConnectedAP (IED 2)AddressGSE (IdInst, cbName)P (type)Other P elementsTextAddressP (type)TextOther GSE elementsOther ConnectedAP elementsOther P elements