4-42 D30 LINE DISTANCE PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALFRONT PANEL INTERFACE CHAPTER 4: INTERFACES4Figure 4-50: LED panel 2 (default labels) Graphical front panelThe graphical front panel has 14 LEDs. LEDs 1 to 5 are fixed status LEDs, and LEDs 6 to 14 are programmable.Status indicators• IN SERVICE — Indicates that control power is applied, all monitored inputs/outputs and internal systems are fine, therelay’s test mode is disabled, and the relay is in (online) Programmed mode (under Settings > Product Setup >Installation)• TROUBLE — Indicates that the relay has detected an internal problem. Check the self-test messages outlined at theend of the Commands and Targets chapter, and view the event records under Actual Values > Records. For a beta /pre-release, this LED is always on.• TEST MODE — Indicates that the relay is in Isolated (solid) or Forcible (flashing) test mode. For information, see the TestMode section in the Settings chapter.• TRIP — Indicates that the selected FlexLogic operand serving as a trip input has operated. Set the operand underSettings > Product Setup > User-Programmable LEDs > Trip & Alarm LEDs. This indicator latches; initiate the resetcommand to reset the latch.• ALARM — Indicates that the selected FlexLogic operand serving as an alarm input has operated. Set the operandunder Settings > Product Setup > User-Programmable LEDs > Trip & Alarm LEDs.Figure 4-51: Example of LEDs on graphical front panel