CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTSD30 LINE DISTANCE PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-3135Figure 5-183: Signal flow for direct input and outputIn three-terminal applications, both the remote terminals must grant permission to trip. Therefore, at each terminal, directinputs 5 and 6 are ANDed in FlexLogic and the resulting operand configured as the permission to trip (HYB POTT RX1setting).5.9.7 Teleprotection5.9.7.1 OverviewThe relay provides 16 teleprotection inputs on communications channel 1 (numbered 1-1 through 1-16) and 16teleprotection inputs on communications channel 2 (on two-terminals two-channel and three-terminal systems only,numbered 2-1 through 2-16). The remote relay connected to channels 1 and 2 of the local relay is programmed byassigning FlexLogic operands to be sent via the selected communications channel. This allows the user to createdistributed protection and control schemes via dedicated communications channels. Some examples are directionalcomparison pilot schemes and direct transfer tripping. Note that failures of communications channels affectteleprotection functionality. The teleprotection function must be enabled to utilize the inputs. Teleprotection inputsSETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS TELEPROTECTION TELEPROT INPUTSSetting the TELEPROT INPUT ~~ DEFAULT setting to “On” defaults the input to logic 1 when the channel fails. A value of “Off”defaults the input to logic 0 when the channel fails.The “Latest/On” and “Latest/Off” values freeze the input in case of lost communications. If the latest state is not known,such as after relay power-up but before the first communication exchange, then the input defaults to logic 1 for “Latest/On” and logic 0 for “Latest/Off.” TELEPROT INPUTS TELEPROT INPUT 1-1DEFAULT: OffRange: Off, On, Latest/Off, Latest/On TELEPROT INPUT 1-16DEFAULT: OffRange: Off, On, Latest/Off, Latest/On TELEPROT INPUT 2-1DEFAULT: OffRange: Off, On, Latest/Off, Latest/On TELEPROT INPUT 2-16DEFAULT: OffRange: Off, On, Latest/Off, Latest/On