C-4 D30 LINE DISTANCE PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALCOMMAND LINE INTERFACE APPENDIX C: COMMAND LINE INTERFACECSetupCLI compare -f -r -o [-s]Compare settings files and , and save output to .Example: SetupCLI URPC compare -f may.urs -r september.urs -o compared.txtBatch file example that retrieves a settings file, compares it with an existing settings file, and opens the resultingcomparison file:SetupCLI URPC startSetupCLI URPC getsettings -d demoDevice -f devicefile.ursSetupCLI URPC compare -f existingfile.urs -r devicefile.urs -o output.txtThe output is similar to the following:Comparing settings file aaa.urs : C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\GE Power Management\URPC\Data\ with bbb.urs: C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\GE Power Management\URPC\Data\# Setting Name (Group,Module,Item) Value1 + Default Message Timeout (1,1,1) = 299 s2 - Default Message Timeout (1,1,1) = 300 s3 + Flash Message Time (1,1,1) = 0.9 s4 - Flash Message Time (1,1,1) = 1.0 sSetupCLI inservice -d [-n] [-s]Put the device in service. Include option -n to take the device out of service.Example: SetupCLI URPC inservice -d C30SetupCLI reboot -d [-s]Reboot the relay . This is necessary after changing IEC 61850 settings and aggregator source settings.Example: SetupCLI URPC reboot -d "C30_Instanbul"SetupCLI adddevice -I -S -P Connect to a device using its IP address, slave address, and Modbus port. Show the device in the EnerVista interfaceunder the SetupCLI Site as DEV@SETUP_CLI.EnerVista UR Setup 7.30 or higher supports this command.Figure C-2: Device added using IP addressThe device is named as DEV@SETUP_CLI, which is used as the device name required by the parameter of otherSetupCLI commands. PreviousNext |