GE Multilin D30 Line Distance Protection System 4-254 HUMAN INTERFACES 4.3 FACEPLATE INTERFACE4b) HIERARCHYThe setting and actual value messages are arranged hierarchically. The header display pages are indicated by doublescroll bar characters (), while sub-header pages are indicated by single scroll bar characters (). The header displaypages represent the highest level of the hierarchy and the sub-header display pages fall below this level. The MESSAGEUP and DOWN keys move within a group of headers, sub-headers, setting values, or actual values. Continually pressingthe MESSAGE RIGHT key from a header display displays specific information for the header category. Conversely, contin-ually pressing the MESSAGE LEFT key from a setting value or actual value display returns to the header display.c) EXAMPLE MENU NAVIGATIONHIGHEST LEVEL LOWEST LEVEL (SETTINGVALUE) SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP PASSWORD SECURITYACCESS LEVEL:Restricted SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP ACTUAL VALUES STATUSPress the MENU key until the header for the first Actual Values page appears. Thispage contains system and relay status information. Repeatedly press the MESSAGEkeys to display the other actual value headers. SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPPress the MENU key until the header for the first page of Settings appears. This pagecontains settings to configure the relay. SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUPPress the MESSAGE DOWN key to move to the next Settings page. This page con-tains settings for System Setup. Repeatedly press the MESSAGE UP and DOWNkeys to display the other setting headers and then back to the first Settings pageheader. PASSWORD SECURITYFrom the Settings page one header (Product Setup), press the MESSAGE RIGHTkey once to display the first sub-header (Password Security).ACCESS LEVEL:RestrictedPress the MESSAGE RIGHT key once more and this will display the first setting forPassword Security. Pressing the MESSAGE DOWN key repeatedly will display theremaining setting messages for this sub-header. PASSWORD SECURITYPress the MESSAGE LEFT key once to move back to the first sub-header message. DISPLAY PROPERTIESPressing the MESSAGE DOWN key displays the second setting sub-header associ-ated with the Product Setup header.FLASH MESSAGETIME: 1.0 sPress the MESSAGE RIGHT key once more to display the first setting for DisplayProperties.DEFAULT MESSAGEINTENSITY: 25%To view the remaining settings associated with the Display Properties subheader,repeatedly press the MESSAGE DOWN key. The last message appears as shown.