8-8 D30 Line Distance Protection System GE Multilin8.2 CYBERSENTRY 8 SECURITY8Security Alarm Settingsb) PASSWORD REQUIREMENTSA user account requires an alpha-numeric password that meets the following requirements:• Passwords cannot contain the user account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive charac-ters• Passwords must be 6 to 20 characters in length• Passwords must contain characters from three of the following four categories:- English uppercase characters (A through Z)- English lowercase characters (a through z)- Base 10 digits (0 through 9)- Non-alphabetic characters (for example, ~, !, @, #, $,%, &)c) USER ROLESCyberSentry user roles (Administrator, Engineer, Operator, Supervisor, Observer) limit the levels of access to various URdevice functions. This means the EnerVista software allows for access to functionality based on the user’s logged in role.Example: Observer cannot write any settings.The table lists the roles that are supported and their corresponding capabilities.Table 8–3: PERMISSIONS BY USER ROLE FOR CYBERSENTRYSETTING NAME DESCRIPTION / DETAILS MIN MAX DEFAULT UNITS MINIMUMPERMISSIONSFailedAuthenticationsA threshold number indicating when an alarm isset off to indicate too many failed authenticationattempts0(disabled)99 3 - AdministratorFirmware lock A Boolean value indicating if the device canreceive a firmware upgrade. If Yes and afirmware upgrade attempt is made, the devicealarm activates. If No the device alarm does notactivate. On each firmware upgrade this settinggoes back to the default.No Yes Yes - AdministratorSettings lock A Boolean value indicating if the device canaccept any settings changes. If Yes and asettings change attempt is made, the devicealarm activates. If No, the device alarm does notactivate.No Yes Yes - Supervisor(Administrator ifSupervisor hasbeen disabled)Roles Administrator Engineer Operator Supervisor ObserverUR Setup Software Tree MenuComplete Access Complete accessexcept forCyberSentrySecurityCommandMenuAuthorizeswritingThis role is activeby defaultSettings RW RW R R R|------------ Product Setup RW RW R R R|--------------- Security (CyberSentry) RW R R R R|--------------- Supervisory see table notes R R see table notes R|--------------- Display Properties RW RW R R R|---------------Clear relay records(settings) RW RW R R R|--------------- Communications RW RW R R R|--------------- Modbus user map RW RW R R R|--------------- Real Time Clock RW RW R R R|--------------- Oscillography RW RW R R R|--------------- Data Logger RW RW R R R|--------------- Demand RW RW R R R