6-18 D30 Line Distance Protection System GE Multilin6.3 METERING 6 ACTUAL VALUES66.3.5 FLEXELEMENTS™PATH: ACTUAL VALUES METERING FLEXELEMENTS FLEXELEMENT 1(8)The operating signals for the FlexElements are displayed in pu values using the following definitions of the base units.6.3.6 IEC 61580 GOOSE ANALOG VALUESPATH: ACTUAL VALUES METERING IEC 61850 GOOSE ANALOGSThe D30 Line Distance Protection System is provided with optional IEC 61850 communications capability.This feature is specified as a software option at the time of ordering. Refer to the Ordering section of chap-ter 2 for additional details.The IEC 61850 GGIO3 analog input data points are displayed in this menu. The GGIO3 analog data values are receivedvia IEC 61850 GOOSE messages sent from other devices. FLEXELEMENT 1FLEXELEMENT 1OpSig: 0.000 puTable 6–2: FLEXELEMENT BASE UNITSBREAKER ARCING AMPS(Brk X Arc Amp A, B, and C) BASE = 2000 kA 2 cycledcmA BASE = maximum value of the DCMA INPUT MAX setting for the two transducers configuredunder the +IN and –IN inputs.FREQUENCY fBASE = 1 HzPHASE ANGLE BASE = 360 degrees (see the UR angle referencing convention)POWER FACTOR PF BASE = 1.00RTDs BASE = 100°CSOURCE CURRENT I BASE = maximum nominal primary RMS value of the +IN and –IN inputsSOURCE POWER PBASE = maximum value of V BASE IBASE for the +IN and –IN inputsSOURCE VOLTAGE VBASE = maximum nominal primary RMS value of the +IN and –IN inputsSYNCHROCHECK(Max Delta Volts)VBASE = maximum primary RMS value of all the sources related to the +IN and –IN inputs IEC 61850 GOOSE ANALOGSANALOG INPUT 10.000MESSAGE ANALOG INPUT 20.000MESSAGE ANALOG INPUT 30.000MESSAGE ANALOG INPUT 320.000