5-102 D30 Line Distance Protection System GE Multilin5.5 FLEXLOGIC 5 SETTINGS5ELEMENT:Phase distancePH DIST Z1 PKPPH DIST Z1 OPPH DIST Z1 OP ABPH DIST Z1 OP BCPH DIST Z1 OP CAPH DIST Z1 PKP ABPH DIST Z1 PKP BCPH DIST Z1 PKP CAPH DIST Z1 SUPN IABPH DIST Z1 SUPN IBCPH DIST Z1 SUPN ICAPH DIST Z1 DPO ABPH DIST Z1 DPO BCPH DIST Z1 DPO CAPhase distance zone 1 has picked upPhase distance zone 1 has operatedPhase distance zone 1 phase AB has operatedPhase distance zone 1 phase BC has operatedPhase distance zone 1 phase CA has operatedPhase distance zone 1 phase AB has picked upPhase distance zone 1 phase BC has picked upPhase distance zone 1 phase CA has picked upPhase distance zone 1 phase AB IOC is supervisingPhase distance zone 1 phase BC IOC is supervisingPhase distance zone 1 phase CA IOC is supervisingPhase distance zone 1 phase AB has dropped outPhase distance zone 1 phase BC has dropped outPhase distance zone 1 phase CA has dropped outPH DIST Z2 to Z3 Same set of operands as shown for PH DIST Z1ELEMENT:PhaseinstantaneousovercurrentPHASE IOC1 PKPPHASE IOC1 OPPHASE IOC1 DPOPHASE IOC1 PKP APHASE IOC1 PKP BPHASE IOC1 PKP CPHASE IOC1 OP APHASE IOC1 OP BPHASE IOC1 OP CPHASE IOC1 DPO APHASE IOC1 DPO BPHASE IOC1 DPO CAt least one phase of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedAll phases of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 have dropped outPhase A of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase B of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase C of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase A of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase B of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase C of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase A of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outPhase B of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outPhase C of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outPHASE IOC2 and higher Same set of operands as shown for PHASE IOC1ELEMENT:Phase overvoltagePHASE OV1 PKPPHASE OV1 OPPHASE OV1 DPOPHASE OV1 PKP APHASE OV1 PKP BPHASE OV1 PKP CPHASE OV1 OP APHASE OV1 OP BPHASE OV1 OP CPHASE OV1 DPO APHASE OV1 DPO BPHASE OV1 DPO CAt least one phase of overvoltage 1 has picked upAt least one phase of overvoltage 1 has operatedAll phases of overvoltage 1 have dropped outPhase A of overvoltage 1 has picked upPhase B of overvoltage 1 has picked upPhase C of overvoltage 1 has picked upPhase A of overvoltage 1 has operatedPhase B of overvoltage 1 has operatedPhase C of overvoltage 1 has operatedPhase A of overvoltage 1 has dropped outPhase B of overvoltage 1 has dropped outPhase C of overvoltage 1 has dropped outELEMENT:Phase timeovercurrentPHASE TOC1 PKPPHASE TOC1 OPPHASE TOC1 DPOPHASE TOC1 PKP APHASE TOC1 PKP BPHASE TOC1 PKP CPHASE TOC1 OP APHASE TOC1 OP BPHASE TOC1 OP CPHASE TOC1 DPO APHASE TOC1 DPO BPHASE TOC1 DPO CAt least one phase of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedAll phases of phase time overcurrent 1 have dropped outPhase A of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase B of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase C of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase A of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase B of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase C of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase A of phase time overcurrent 1 has dropped outPhase B of phase time overcurrent 1 has dropped outPhase C of phase time overcurrent 1 has dropped outPHASE TOC2 Same set of operands as shown for PHASE TOC1ELEMENT:Phase undervoltagePHASE UV1 PKPPHASE UV1 OPPHASE UV1 DPOPHASE UV1 PKP APHASE UV1 PKP BPHASE UV1 PKP CPHASE UV1 OP APHASE UV1 OP BPHASE UV1 OP CPHASE UV1 DPO APHASE UV1 DPO BPHASE UV1 DPO CAt least one phase of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedAll phases of phase undervoltage 1 have dropped outPhase A of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upPhase B of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upPhase C of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upPhase A of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedPhase B of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedPhase C of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedPhase A of phase undervoltage 1 has dropped outPhase B of phase undervoltage 1 has dropped outPhase C of phase undervoltage 1 has dropped outPHASE UV2 Same set of operands as shown for PHASE UV1Table 5–7: D30 FLEXLOGIC OPERANDS (Sheet 4 of 8)OPERAND TYPE OPERAND SYNTAX OPERAND DESCRIPTION