CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWAREGEK-113000-AF F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 3-25The following figures show an example of the default factory configuration for F650:Figure 3-11: Relay configurationSwitchgear Up to 16 configurable switchgear elements. A switchgear element can be a breaker, a lineselector switch, a grounding selector switch, a busbar selector switch, etc. This screenallows configuration of type of contacts, opening and closing time, contact assignationand text for events related to switchgear. There are 64 pre-established events forswitchgear, which correspond to opening, closing, Error01 and Error11 of the 16programmable switchgear elements.Remote outputs Up to 32 DNA bits and 64 user St bits to be transmitted to remote devices over CAN usingGSSE messagesInputs Text configuration for offline mode file management for all the contact inputs available indevice.Virtual Inputs Text configuration for offline mode file management. 32 latched and 32 self reset virtualinputs.MMI (HMI-HumanMachine Interface)Screen one line diagram configuration. This menu shows a canvas to draw a simplifiedone-line diagram of a bay in a feeder, line, transformer, etc. The menu includes a library forpower elements, metering elements, text and drawings. See an example on the next page.