CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPG30 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-815For a Configurable Report to operate, its members must be selected (that is, its data set configured) and a client must opena connection to, configure, and enable its report control block. Control blocks and data sets can be pre-configured bysending the G30 a CID file. See the UR Family Communications Guide for details. EnerVista UR Setup also can be used toselect the data set members and to pre-configure the control blocks.Each buffered report has the following settings.Buffered Report1 RptIDRange: 0 to 129 VisibleString charactersDefault: empty stringThe name of the report. The entered value sets the RptID value in Buffered Report1 messages, and it can be used by theclient to discriminate Buffered Report1 messages from other messages. If the number of characters entered is zero, thevalue used for RptID in messages is an ObjectReference to the report's control block, that is, "/LLN0$BR$"BRCB01".Buffered Report1 NameRange: 0 to 32 VisibleString charactersDefault: BRCB01The entered value sets the report control block name value for Buffered Report1.Buffered Report1 DatSetRange: None, TT6DataSet1, TT6 DataSet2, …, TT3DataSet01, TT3DataSet02, …Default: NoneThis setting selects the data set whose members' status is reported in Buffered Report1 messages using the UR Setupsoftware designator for the data set. The IEC 61850 name of the data sets are configured in the Datasets panel, asdescribed later.An ObjectReference to the data set, which consists of the concatenation of the string "/LLN0$" and the dataset name, is used in the datSet field of report messages, and it can be used by the client to discriminate Buffered Report1messages from other messages.The performance of the report is determined by the performance of the selected dataset. When the selection isTT3DataSet01, TT3DataSet02, … it is possible that transient events can be missed.To configure a DataSet, select it at the top of the window from the drop-down list, for example DataSet02 shown in theprevious figure. In the lower part of the window, drag and drop configuration items to the right side. For example selectthe ST Ind001 stVal item and drag it to DataSet Member 1. Dataset members configured here affect other Report orTxGOOSE control blocks that use the same DataSet.Buffered Report1 ConfRevRange: 0 to 4294967295 in steps of 1Default: 1The entered value sets the confRev value in Buffered Report1 messages, and it can be used by clients to discriminatereport messages of the expected configuration revision from messages of a different revision. The standard requiresthat confRev be incremented each time the members or the order of the members is changed, and each time the dataset name is changed. The standard states that the value of 0 is reserved.Buffered Report1 OptFldsRange: The check box for each individual bit can be enabled or not (see figure)Default: All bits enabled/ trueThe OptFlds setting is bitstring that controls which of the optional fields are included in report messages. The figureshows the available option bits. To reduce message size, uncheck any fields that are not needed.