5-40 G60 Generator Management Relay GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5Figure 5–5: USER-PROGRAMMABLE PUSHBUTTONSEach pushbutton asserts its own “On” and “Off” FlexLogic™ operands: PUSHBUTTON 1(12) ON and PUSHBUTTON 1(12) OFF.These operands are used to program specific actions for each pushbutton. If any pushbutton is active, the ANY PB ON oper-and will be asserted.Each pushbutton has an associated LED indicator. By default, this indicator displays the present status of the correspond-ing pushbutton (on or off). However, each LED indicator can be assigned to any FlexLogic™ operand through the PUSHBTN1(12) LED CTL setting.The pushbuttons can be automatically controlled by activating the operands assigned to the PUSHBTN 1(12) SET (for latchedand self-reset mode) and PUSHBTN 1(12) RESET (for latched mode only) settings. The pushbutton reset status is declaredwhen the PUSHBUTTON 1(12) OFF operand is asserted. The activation and deactivation of user-programmable pushbuttonsis dependent on whether latched or self-reset mode is programmed.• Latched mode: In latched mode, a pushbutton can be set (activated) by asserting the operand assigned to the PUSH-BTN 1(12) SET setting or by directly pressing the associated front panel pushbutton. The pushbutton maintains the setstate until deactivated by the reset command or after a user-specified time delay. The state of each pushbutton isstored in non-volatile memory and maintained through a loss of control power.The pushbutton is reset (deactivated) in latched mode by asserting the operand assigned to the PUSHBTN 1(12) RESETsetting or by directly pressing the associated active front panel pushbutton.It can also be programmed to reset automatically through the PUSHBTN 1(12) AUTORST and PUSHBTN 1(12) AUTORSTDELAY settings. These settings enable the autoreset timer and specify the associated time delay. The autoreset timercan be used in select-before-operate (SBO) breaker control applications, where the command type (close/open) orbreaker location (feeder number) must be selected prior to command execution. The selection must reset automati-cally if control is not executed within a specified time period.• Self-reset mode: In self-reset mode, a pushbutton will remain active for the time it is pressed (the pulse duration) plusthe dropout time specified in the PUSHBTN 1(12) DROP-OUT TIME setting. If the pushbutton is activated via FlexLogic™,the pulse duration is specified by the PUSHBTN 1(12) DROP-OUT TIME only. The time the operand remains assigned to thePUSHBTN 1(12) SET setting has no effect on the pulse duration.The pushbutton is reset (deactivated) in self-reset mode when the dropout delay specified in the PUSHBTN 1(12) DROP-OUT TIME setting expires.The pulse duration of the remote set, remote reset, or local pushbutton must be at least 50 ms to operate the push-button. This allows the user-programmable pushbuttons to properly operate during power cycling events and vari-ous system disturbances that may cause transient assertion of the operating signals.The local and remote operation of each user-programmable pushbutton can be inhibited through the PUSHBTN 1(12) LOCALand PUSHBTN 1(12) REMOTE settings, respectively. If local locking is applied, the pushbutton will ignore set and reset com-mands executed through the front panel pushbuttons. If remote locking is applied, the pushbutton will ignore set and resetcommands executed through FlexLogic™ operands.The locking functions are not applied to the autorestart feature. In this case, the inhibit function can be used in SBO controloperations to prevent the pushbutton function from being activated and ensuring “one-at-a-time” select operation.The locking functions can also be used to prevent the accidental pressing of the front panel pushbuttons. The separateinhibit of the local and remote operation simplifies the implementation of local/remote control supervision.USER LABEL USER LABEL USER LABELUSER LABEL USER LABEL USER LABEL7 9 118 10 12USER LABEL1 3 52 4 6USER LABEL USER LABELUSER LABEL USER LABEL USER LABEL842779A1.CDRNOTE