4-4 G60 Generator Management Relay GE Multilin4.2 FACEPLATE INTERFACE 4 HUMAN INTERFACES44.2FACEPLATE INTERFACE 4.2.1 FACEPLATEThe front panel interface is one of two supported interfaces, the other interface being EnerVista UR Setup software. Thefront panel interface consists of LED panels, an RS232 port, keypad, LCD display, control pushbuttons, and optional user-programmable pushbuttons.The faceplate is hinged to allow easy access to the removable modules. There is also a removable dust cover that fits overthe faceplate which must be removed in order to access the keypad panel. The following figure shows the horizontalarrangement of the faceplate panels.Figure 4–2: UR-SERIES HORIZONTAL FACEPLATE PANELSThe following figure shows the vertical arrangement of the faceplate panels for relays ordered with the vertical option.Figure 4–3: UR-SERIES VERTICAL FACEPLATE PANELSLED panel 1 LED panel 2DisplayUser-programmablepushbuttons 1 to 12 KeypadFront panelRS232 portSmall user-programmable(control) pushbuttons 1 to 7LED panel 3827801A7.CDR827830A1.CDRMENUHELPESCAPEENTER VALUEMESSAGE 471.5820693+/-PICKUPALARMTRIPTEST MODETROUBLEIN SERVICESTATUSUSER 3USER 2USER 1RESETNEUTRAL/GROUNDPHASE CPHASE BPHASE AOTHERFREQUENCYCURRENTVOLTAGEEVENT CAUSEKEYPADDISPLAYLED PANEL 2LED PANEL 3LED PANEL 1