7-2 G60 Generator Management Relay GE Multilin7.1 COMMANDS 7 COMMANDS AND TARGETS7This menu contains commands for clearing historical data such as the event records. Data is cleared by changing a com-mand setting to “Yes” and pressing the ENTER key. After clearing data, the command setting automatically reverts to “No”.7.1.4 SET DATE AND TIMEPATH: COMMANDS ÖØ SET DATE AND TIMEThe date and time can be entered here via the faceplate keypad only if the IRIG-B or SNTP signal is not in use. The timesetting is based on the 24-hour clock. The complete date, as a minimum, must be entered to allow execution of this com-mand. The new time will take effect at the moment the ENTER key is clicked.7.1.5 RELAY MAINTENANCEPATH: COMMANDS ÖØ RELAY MAINTENANCEThis menu contains commands for relay maintenance purposes. Commands are activated by changing a command settingto “Yes” and pressing the ENTER key. The command setting will then automatically revert to “No”.The PERFORM LAMPTEST command turns on all faceplate LEDs and display pixels for a short duration. The UPDATEORDER CODE command causes the relay to scan the backplane for the hardware modules and update the order code tomatch. If an update occurs, the following message is shown.There is no impact if there have been no changes to the hardware modules. When an update does not occur, the ORDERCODE NOT UPDATED message will be shown.CLEAR UNAUTHORIZEDACCESS? NoRange: No, YesCLEAR DIRECT I/OCOUNTERS? NoRange: No, Yes. Valid only for units with Direct Input/Output module.CLEAR TELEPROTECTCOUNTERS? NoRange: No, YesCLEAR ALL RELAYRECORDS? NoRange: No, Yes COMMANDS SET DATE AND TIMESET DATE AND TIME:2000/01/14 13:47:03(YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS) COMMANDS RELAY MAINTENANCEPERFORM LAMPTEST?NoRange: No, YesUPDATE ORDER CODE?NoRange: No, YesUPDATING...PLEASE WAIT