GE Multilin G60 Generator Management Relay 5-1295 SETTINGS 5.5 GROUPED ELEMENTS5• GEN UNBAL STG1 K-RESET: This setting defines the linear reset rate of the stage 1 element. It is the maximum resettime from the threshold of tripping. This feature provides a thermal memory of previous unbalance conditions.• GEN UNBAL STG2 PICKUP: This setting defines the pickup of the stage 2 element expressed as a percentage of thenominal current as specified by GEN UNBAL INOM setting. The definite time element would normally be used to generatean alarm to prompt an operator to take some corrective action. The stage 2 element would typically be set at a safemargin below the stage 1 pickup setting.• GEN UNBAL STG2 PKP DELAY: This is the minimum operate time of the stage 2 element. This is set to prevent nui-sance alarms during system faults.Figure 5–71: GENERATOR UNBALANCE INVERSE TIME CURVESFigure 5–72: GENERATOR UNBALANCE SCHEME LOGIC0.111010010000.01 0.1 1 10 100830714A1.CDRTmaxK=1 K=4 K=15 K=40 K=100TminSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSSETTINGSETTINGSSETTINGFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSFLEXLOGIC OPERANDFLEXLOGIC OPERANDGEN UNBALFUNCTION:GEN UNBALBLOCK:GEN UNBALSOURCE:GEN UNBAL STG1 PKPGEN UNBAL STG1 DPOGEN UNBAL STG1 OPGEN UNBAL STG2 PKPGEN UNBAL STG2 DPOGEN UNBAL STG2 OPGEN UNBAL PKPGEN UNBAL OPOff=0RUNRUNI_2Enabled=1Disabled=0ANDORORORANDGEN UNBALINOM:GEN UNBALSTG1 PICKUP:GEN UNBALSTG1 K-VALUE:GEN UNBALSTG1 TMIN:GEN UNBALSTG1 TMAX:GEN UNBALSTG1 K-RESET:GEN UNBAL STG2PKP DELAY:GEN UNBAL STG2PICKUP:GEN UNBAL INOM:I_2tI_2 > PICKUP x INOM100GEN UNBAL DPOTPKP0