C-8 G60 Generator Management Relay GE MultilinC.4 GENERIC SUBSTATION EVENT SERVICES: GSSE AND GOOSE APPENDIX CCIEC 61850 GOOSE messaging contains a number of con-figurable parameters, all of which must be correct toachieve the successful transfer of data. It is critical that theconfigured datasets at the transmission and receptiondevices are an exact match in terms of data structure, andthat the GOOSE addresses and name strings matchexactly. Manual configuration is possible, but third-partysubstation configuration software may be used to automatethe process. The EnerVista UR Setupsoftware can produceIEC 61850 ICD files and import IEC 61850 SCD files pro-duced by a substation configurator (refer to the IEC 61850IED Configuration section later in this appendix).The following example illustrates the configuration requiredto transfer IEC 61850 data items between two devices. Thegeneral steps required for transmission configuration are:1. Configure the transmission dataset.2. Configure the GOOSE service settings.3. Configure the data.The general steps required for reception configuration are:1. Configure the reception dataset.2. Configure the GOOSE service settings.3. Configure the data.This example shows how to configure the transmission andreception of three IEC 61850 data items: a single point sta-tus value, its associated quality flags, and a floating pointanalog value.The following procedure illustrates the transmission config-uration.1. Configure the transmission dataset by making the fol-lowing changes in the PRODUCT SETUP ÖØ COMMUNI-CATION ÖØ IEC 61850 PROTOCOL Ö GSSE/GOOSECONFIGURATION Ö TRANSMISSION ÖØ CONFIGURABLEGOOSE Ö CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1 ÖØ CONFIG GSE 1DATASET ITEMS settings menu:– Set ITEM 1 to “GGIO1.ST.Ind1.q” to indicate qualityflags for GGIO1 status indication 1.– Set ITEM 2 to “GGIO1.ST.Ind1.stVal” to indicatethe status value for GGIO1 status indication 1.The transmission dataset now contains a set of qualityflags and a single point status Boolean value. Thereception dataset on the receiving device must exactlymatch this structure.2. Configure the GOOSE service settings by making thefollowing changes in the PRODUCT SETUP ÖØ COMMU-NICATION ÖØ IEC 61850 PROTOCOL Ö GSSE/GOOSECONFIGURATION Ö TRANSMISSION ÖØ CONFIGURABLEGOOSE Ö CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1 settings menu:– Set CONFIG GSE 1 FUNCTION to “Enabled”.– Set CONFIG GSE 1 ID to an appropriate descriptivestring (the default value is “GOOSEOut_1”).– Set CONFIG GSE 1 DST MAC to a multicast address(for example, 01 00 00 12 34 56).– Set the CONFIG GSE 1 VLAN PRIORITY; the defaultvalue of “4” is OK for this example.– Set the CONFIG GSE 1 VLAN ID value; the defaultvalue is “0”, but some switches may require thisvalue to be “1”.– Set the CONFIG GSE 1 ETYPE APPID value. This set-ting represents the Ethertype application ID andmust match the configuration on the receiver (thedefault value is “0”).– Set the CONFIG GSE 1 CONFREV value. This valuechanges automatically as described in IEC 61850part 7-2. For this example it can be left at itsdefault value.3. Configure the data by making the following changes inthe PRODUCT SETUP ÖØ COMMUNICATION ÖØ IEC61850 PROTOCOL Ö GGIO1 STATUS CONFIGURATION set-tings menu:– Set GGIO1 INDICATION 1 to a FlexLogic™ operandused to provide the status of GGIO1.ST.Ind1.stVal(for example, a contact input, virtual input, a pro-tection element status, etc.).The G60 must be rebooted (control power removed and re-applied) before these settings take effect.The following procedure illustrates the reception configura-tion.1. Configure the reception dataset by making the follow-ing changes in the PRODUCT SETUP ÖØ COMMUNICA-TION ÖØ IEC 61850 PROTOCOL Ö GSSE/GOOSECONFIGURATION ÖØ RECEPTION ÖØ CONFIGURABLEGOOSE Ö CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1 ÖØ CONFIG GSE 1DATASET ITEMS settings menu:– Set ITEM 1 to “GGIO3.ST.Ind1.q” to indicate qualityflags for GGIO3 status indication 1.– Set ITEM 2 to “GGIO3.ST.Ind1.stVal” to indicatethe status value for GGIO3 status indication 1.The reception dataset now contains a set of qualityflags, a single point status Boolean value, and a float-ing point analog value. This matches the transmissiondataset configuration above.2. Configure the GOOSE service settings by making thefollowing changes in the INPUTS/OUTPUTS ÖØ REMOTEDEVICES ÖØ REMOTE DEVICE 1 settings menu:– Set REMOTE DEVICE 1 ID to match the GOOSE IDstring for the transmitting device. Enter“GOOSEOut_1”.– Set REMOTE DEVICE 1 ETYPE APPID to match theEthertype application ID from the transmittingdevice. This is “0” in the example above.