5-132 G60 Generator Management Relay GE Multilin5.5 GROUPED ELEMENTS 5 SETTINGS5Figure 5–75: SPLIT PHASE PROTECTION OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS• SPLIT PHASE SOURCE: This setting specifies a signal source used to provide current from the split phase CT to thesplit phase protection.• SPLIT PHASE LOAD SOURCE: This setting specifies a signal source used to provide current from the load CT to thesplit phase protection.• SPLIT PHASE A(C) PICKUP: This setting specifies a pickup level for each phase. This should be set less than theminimum expected unbalance (split phase) current due to an inter-turn fault.• SPLIT PHASE A(C) OFFSET: This setting specifies the steady-state split phase current at no-load for the each phase.This should be set equal to the split phase current during normal (unfaulted) operation. The user should assign the splitphase current and the load current (positive sequence) to the data logger to identify the optimum value for this setting.• SPLIT PHASE A(C) SLOPE: This setting specifies the slope of split phase characteristic for each phase. This settingis used to bias the pickup of the element due to variations in generator loading. The slope is defined as the ratio of the830729A1.CDRIload (pu)I splt phs (pu)Offset SlopeOperateOperateMin LoadOperating CharacteristicIload (pu)I splt phs (pu)Offset SlopeOperateMin LoadOperating Characteristic (mode = over)Iload (pu)I splt phs (pu)OperateOperating Characteristic (mode = over, Min Load = 0, Slope = 0)