2-6 M60 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSECURITY CHAPTER 2: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION2Table Notes:RW = read and write accessR = read accessSupervisor = RW (default), Administrator = R (default), Administrator = RW (only if Supervisor role is disabled)NA = the permission is not enforced by CyberSentry securityCyberSentry server authenticationThe UR has been designed to direct automatically the authentication requests based on user names. In this respect, localaccount names on the UR are considered as reserved and not used on a RADIUS server.The UR detects automatically whether an authentication request is to be handled remotely or locally. As there are five localaccounts possible on the UR, if the user ID credential does not match one of the five local accounts, the UR forwardsautomatically the request to a RADIUS server when one is provided.If a RADIUS server is provided, but is unreachable over the network, server authentication requests are denied. In thissituation, use local UR accounts to gain access to the UR system.|--------------- Contact Outputs RW RW R R R|--------------- Virtual Outputs RW RW R R R|--------------- Resetting RW RW R R R|--------------- Direct Inputs RW RW R R R|--------------- Direct Outputs RW RW R R R|--------------- Teleprotection RW RW R R R|--------------- Direct Analogs RW RW R R R|--------------- Direct Integers RW RW R R R|---------- Transducer I/O RW RW R R R|---------- Testing RW RW R R R|---------- Front Panel Labels Designer NA NA NA NA NA|---------- Protection Summary NA NA NA NA NACommands RW RW RW R R|---------- Virtual Inputs RW RW RW R R|---------- Clear Records RW RW RW R R|---------- Set Date and Time RW RW RW R RUser Displays R R R R RTargets R R R R RActual Values R R R R R|---------- Front panel labels designer R R R R R|---------- Status R R R R R|---------- Metering R R R R R|---------- Transducer I/O R R R R R|---------- Records R R R R R|---------- Product Info R R R R RMaintenance RW RW R R R|---------- Modbus analyzer NA NA NA NA NA|---------- Change front panel RW RW RW R R|---------- Update firmware Yes No No No No|---------- Retrieve file Yes No No No NoRoles Administrator Engineer Operator Supervisor Observer