CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS CONTROL ELEMENTSM60 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-2315The easiest way to assign element outputs to a trip bus is through the EnerVista software A protection summary isdisplayed by navigating to a specific protection or control protection element and checking the desired bus box. Once thedesired element is selected for a specific bus, a list of element operate-type operands are displayed and can be assignedto a trip bus. If more than one operate-type operand is required, it can be assigned directly from the trip bus menu.Figure 5-128: Trip bus fields in the protection summaryThe following settings are available.TRIP BUS 1 BLOCK — The trip bus output is blocked when the operand assigned to this setting is asserted.TRIP BUS 1 PICKUP DELAY — This setting specifies a time delay to produce an output depending on how output is used.TRIP BUS 1 RESET DELAY — This setting specifies a time delay to reset an output command. Set the time delay long enoughto allow the breaker or contactor to perform a required action.TRIP BUS 1 INPUT 1 to TRIP BUS 1 INPUT 16 — These settings select a FlexLogic operand to be assigned as an input to the tripbus.TRIP BUS 1 LATCHING — This setting enables or disables latching of the trip bus output. This is typically used when lockout isrequired or user acknowledgement of the relay response is required.TRIP BUS 1 RESET — The trip bus output is reset when the operand assigned to this setting is asserted. Note that the RESET OPoperand is pre-wired to the reset gate of the latch, As such, a reset command from the front panel interface or viacommunications resets the trip bus output.