5-70 M60 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5OscRDRE1.MemClr.ctlModelRange: direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: direct-with-normal-securityThis setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control the command CLEAR OSCILLOGRAPHY.DatLogRDRE1.MemClr.ctlModelRange: direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: direct-with-normal-securityThis setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control the command CLEAR DATA LOGGER.EnrMtrMMTR.RsStat.ctlModelRange: direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: direct-with-normal-securityThis setting selects the control model clients must use to successfully control the command CLEAR ENERGY.GGIO1GGIO1 is a UR feature that allows up to 128 UR FlexLogic operands to be user-mapped to IEC 61850 information modeldata attributes.For the value of a FlexLogic operand to be read via MMS, included in TxGOOSE messages, or included in buffered/unbuffered reports, the value must be assigned to a data attribute. GGIO1 allows those FlexLogic operands that have notyet been factory-assigned to a data attribute to be user-assigned to a generic data attribute, and thus have their valuesincluded in IEC 61850 communications.GGIO1 also provides a chatter suppression service. Oscillation in a value, also known as chatter, can be caused by errors inlogic programming, inadequate hysteresis (deadband) on a threshold, or a failed station component. Chatter can flood acommunications network with GOOSE messages, degrading response time for all users. If chatter is detected in a GGIO1data attribute, TxGOOSE suspends GOOSE event message triggering from that data attribute for as long as the conditionexists, and for a minimum period of one second. While sending is suspended, a self-test message identifying the specificdata item detected as oscillating is activated.Navigate to Settings > Product Setup > Communications > IEC 61850 > GGIO > GGIO1 to access the settings for GGIO1.Figure 5-27: IEC 61850 GGIO1 panel