CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPM60 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-355The following rules must be observed when you configure static routes:• The route destination must not be a connected network• The route gateway must be on a connected network. This rule applies to the gateway address of the default route aswell. This can be verified by checking that:(RtGwy & Prt1Mask) == (Prt1IP & Prt1Mask) || (RtGwy & Prt2Mask) == (Prt2IP & Prt2Mask) || (RtGwy & Prt3Mask) == (Prt3IP& Prt3Mask)where& is the bitwise-AND operator== is the equality operator|| is the logical OR operatorRouting behavior compared to previous releasesPrior to release 7.10, UR devices did not have an explicit manner of configuring routes. The only available route was thedefault route configured as part of the network settings (port gateway IP address). This limited the ability to route tospecific destinations, particularly if these destinations were reachable through a different interface than the one on whichthe default gateway was.Starting with UR 7.10, up to six static network routes can be configured in addition to a default route. The default routeconfiguration was also moved from the network settings into the routing section.The figure shows an example of topology that benefits from the addition of static routes.Figure 5-9: Using static routesIn the figure, the UR connects through the following two Ethernet ports:• Port 1 (IP address connects the UR to LAN and to the Internet through Router1. Router1 has aninterface on and the IP address of this interface is• Port 2 (IP address connects the UR to LAN and to the EnerVista software through Router2. Router2has an interface on and the IP address of this interface is configuration before release 7.10 was as follows:• PRT1 IP ADDRESS = SUBNET IP MASK = GWY IP ADDRESS = IP ADDRESS = SUBNET IP MASK = SoftwareML3000Public networkURP1IP1/MAC1P2IP2/MAC2ML300010.1.1.0/24 .2859714A1.vsd