GE PACSystems RXi User Manual
Chapter 9. PROFINET IO-Controller OverviewGFK-2816F August 2015 2019.3 Glossary of PROFINET TermsGlossary of PROFINET TermsAR Application Relationship. PROFINET term for a relationship that is establishedbetween an IO-Controller/Supervisor and IO-Device. For any data to be exchangedbetween an IO-Controller/Supervisor and a given IO-Device, an ApplicationRelationship must be established. Within the Application Relationship, variousCommunication Relationships are then established for the different types of data tobe exchanged.Broadcast In Ethernet, the transmission of a network message to all hosts on the network.CR Communication Relationship. PROFINET term for a channel that is establishedwithin an Application Relationship to transfer specific data between an IO-Controller/Supervisor and a given IO-Device. Multiple CRs are established within anAR to transfer data.DAP Device Access Point. This access point is used to address an IO-Device as anentity.GratuitousARPsAn Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request sent by the host to resolve its own IPaddress.GSDML General Station Description Markup Language - definition of PROFINET DeviceCharacteristics.IOC PROFINET IO-ControllerIOD PROFINET IO-DeviceIOCR Input Output Communication Relationship – describes the type (input/output) andamount of I/O data to be transferred, the sequence of the transfers and the transfercycle between a PROFINET IO-Controller (or IO-Supervisor) and a PROFINET IO-Device.IOCS PROFINET Input/Output Consumer Status is transmitted on the PROFINET networkto provide feedback on Input Data for an IO controller and Output Data for an IOdevice.IOPS PROFINET Input/Output Provider Status is transmitted on the PROFINET network toprovide feedback on Output Data for an IO controller and the Input Data for an IOdevice.IOxS PROFINET abbreviation for the IOCS and/or IOPS (see above).LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol. IEEE standardized protocol used by network devicesto advertise their identity and capabilities.MRC Media Redundancy Client. Within Media Redundancy Protocol, an MRC isresponsible for helping the MRM detect breaks/no breaks in the ring.MRM Media Redundancy Manager. Within Media Redundancy Protocol, an MRM isresponsible for ensuring that the ring does not have a closed loop, whilesimultaneously ensuring maximal connectivity between nodes on the ring.MRP Media Redundancy Protocol. An Ethernet protocol that provides redundant pathsfor PROFINET-IO cyclic traffic by supporting a ring topology.Multicast In Ethernet, the transmission of a network message to all hosts within a hostgroup.NMS Network Management System. Executes applications that monitor and controlmanaged devices in an SNMP-managed network.Phase If the IOCR Update Period is greater than the Send Clock time, the Update Periodis divided into multiple phases where each phase is equal to one Send Clock.CPU Node In a PACSystems RXi PROFINET network, a CPU Node is a node that has aPACSystems RXi Controller that is connected to the PROFINET network.RDO Record Data Object. Services used to read and write structured data stored in aPROFINET IO-Device. |
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