Chapter 14. Diagnostics276 PACSystems* RXi Distributed IO Controller User Manual GFK-2816FGroup/ErrorCode Description Cause Recommended Correction13-168 CPU’s critical operatingtemperature exceeded.The CPU’s critical operating temperatureexceeded.Turn off the RXi Controller toallow heat to disperse andimplement measures to regulateambient operating temperature.13-h PNC hardware failure. The PNC has encountered a hardwarerelated failure.h – Error code that provides more informationabout what part of the PNC’s hardware hadfailure.Contact Technical Support.13-AllothersCPU hardware failure For a memory failure in the CPU (one of thefaults reported as a CPU hardware failure),the address of the failure is stored in the firstfour bytes of the Fault Extra Data.Contact Technical Support.14-450through14-454LAN interface hardwarefailureContact Technical Support.14-AllothersModule hardware failure A module hardware failure has beendetected.Replace the affected module.16-1 Unsupported board type The board is not one of the supported types. ▪ Upload the configuration fileand verify that the softwarerecognizes the board typein the file. If there is anerror, correct it, downloadthe corrected configurationfile, and retry.▪ Display the controller fault.Contact Technical Supportand provide the informationcontained in the fault entry.16-2,16-3COMMREQ frequencytoo highCOMMREQs are being sent to a modulefaster than it can process them. ▪ Change the applicationprogram to sendCOMMREQs to the moduleat a slower rate or checkthe completion status ofeach COMMREQ beforesending the next.16-4through16-399Option module softwarefailureSoftware failure detected on an optionmodule. ▪ Reload software into theindicated module.▪ Replace the module.16-400andhigherLAN system softwarefaultThe Ethernet interface software has detectedan unusual condition and recorded an eventin its exception log.The Fault Extra Data contains thecorresponding event in the Ethernetexception log, which can be viewed by theEthernet interface’s Station Manager function.The first two digits of Fault Extra Data containthe Event type; the remaining datacorrespond to the four-digit values for Entry 2through Entry 6. Some exceptions may alsocontain optional multi-byte SCode and otherdata.For information on interpretingthe fault extra data, refer to thePACSystems TCP/IP EthernetCommunications StationManager User Manual,GFK-2225.