Chapter 14. DiagnosticsGFK-2816F August 2015 273Group NameDefaultFault Action15 Configurable Comments17 Program or BlockChecksum Failure GroupN/A No Occurs when the CPU detects errorconditions in program or blocks. Italso occurs during Run modebackground checking. In all cases,the Fault Extra Data field of thecontroller fault table record containsthe name of the program or block inwhich the error occurred.18 Battery Status Group N/A No Occurs when the CPU detects afailed or missing Energy Pack19 Constant Sweep TimeExceededN/A No Occurs when the CPU operates inConstant Sweep mode and detectsthat the sweep has exceeded theconstant sweep timer.In the fault extra data, the DWORDat byte offset 8 contains the amountof time that the sweep went beyondthe constant sweep time (inmicrosecond units). Stored in BigEndian format.20 System Fault Table Full N/A No Occurs when the Controller FaultTable reaches its limit (refer topage 264).21 I/O Fault Table Full N/A No Occurs when the I/O Fault Tablereaches its maximum configuredlimit (refer to page 266). To avoidloss of additional faults, clear theearliest entry from the table.22 User Application Fault N/A No Occurs when the CPU detects afault in the user program.24 CPU Over Temperature Diagnostic Yes The Controller’s normal operatingtemperature exceeded.129 No User Program onPower-upN/A No Occurs when the CPU powers upwith its memory preserved but nouser program exists in the CPU. TheCPU detects the absence of a userprogram on power-up; the controllerstays in Stop mode.130 Corrupted User Program onPower-upN/A No Occurs when the CPU detectscorrupted user RAM. The CPU willremain in Stop mode.131 Window Completion Failure N/A No Generated by the pre-logic andend-of-sweep processing software inthe CPU. The fault extra datacontains the name of the task thatwas executing when the erroroccurred.132 Password Access Failure N/A No Occurs when the CPU receives arequest to change to a new privilegelevel and the password included withthe request is not valid for that level.134 Null system configurationfor Run ModeN/A No Occurs when the CPU transitionsfrom Stop to one of the Run modesand a configuration file is notpresent. The transition to Run ispermitted, but no I/O scans occur.