Chapter 12. PROFINET Network Management230 PACSystems* RXi Distributed IO Controller User Manual GFK-2816F12.2.3 LLDP TLVsThe following is a brief description of the RXi PNC LLDP TLVs.Chassis ID TLVThe Chassis ID is always the first TLV in the LLDPDU. Chassis ID identifies the particulardevice on the network. PROFINET defines two possible Chassis ID formats; each format hasa different Chassis ID subtype. The PNC generally uses the Name of Station (NOS) as theChassis ID. If for some reason the station name is changed to the empty string “”, the internalMAC address is used instead.ID Subtype Meaning Value7 PNIO Chassis ID Name of Station (character string)4 MAC Address Internal MAC Address of Ethernet controllerPort ID TLVThe Port ID is always the second TLV in the LLDPDU. The Port ID identifies the individualnetwork port on the device. PROFINET defines the Port ID as a character string.ID Subtype Meaning Value7 PNIO Port ID port-PPP-SSSSS (length = 14 bytes)PPP specifies the decimal port number in the range 001 to 002. SSSSS specifies the decimalslot number of the Controller in the range 00000 to 65535.Time to Live TLVTime to Live is always the third TLV in the LLDPDU. Time to Live specifies the number ofseconds that the information in this LLDPDU remains valid after delivery on the network. ATime to Live value of 0 instructs the receiver to immediately invalidate the data in thisLLDPDU and is issued when the PNC has changed a parameter that is advertised in itsLLDP.The PNC sets the Time to Live value to 20 seconds.End Of PDU TLVThe End Of PDU TLV is always the last TLV in the LLDPDU. This TLV carries nodevice information.PROFINET Port Status TLVThe PROFINET Port Status TLV indicates the current PROFINET status of the network portover which this LLDP message is sent. As the PNC does not support RT Class 2 or RT Class3, the subfields are set to off (0x0000).PROFINET MRP Port Status TLVThe PROFINET MRP Port Status indicates the current MRP status of the network port overwhich this LLDP message is sent.This TLV is required when the LLDP sender is an MRP port. It is not present in the LLDPpacket issued from a non-MRP port.The PNC supports the following values:Subfield ValueMRP Domain ID Contains the MRP domain UUID. Assigned internally by the network node.Set to 0xFFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF- FFFFFFFFFFFF.MRRT Port Status 0x00 = Off / Not Used