Chapter 5. CPU OperationGFK-2816F August 2015 815.5.1 CPU Stop ModesThe CPU has two modes of operation while it is in Stop mode:■ I/O Scan Enabled - the Input and Output scans are performed each sweep■ I/O Scan Disabled - the Input and Output scans are skippedWhen the CPU is in Stop mode, it does not execute the application program. You canconfigure whether the I/O is scanned during Stop mode. Communications with theprogrammer and intelligent option modules continue in Stop mode.In both Stop modes, the Controller Communications and Backplane Communicationswindows run in Run-to-Completion mode and the Background window runs in Limited modewith a 10 millisecond limit.The number of last scans can be configured in the hardware configuration. Last scans arecompleted after the CPU has received an indication that a transition from Run to Stop or StopFaulted mode should occur. The default is 0.The application program can use SVC_REQ13 to stop the CPU after a specified number ofscans. All I/O will go to their configured default states, and a diagnostic message will beplaced in the Controller Fault Table.CPU Sweep in Stop- I/O Disabled and Stop- I/O Enabled Modes